Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
I thought it was the leavers who didn’t want foreigners in to dilute the bloodline?
You need to follow the fundamental rules of genetics. If you interbreed with lesser breeds ,the qualities of the progeny DECREASE. .
The movie" Idiotochrachy " makes it clear
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Yesterday Politics Professor Matthew Goodwin tweeted the results of a recent YouGov poll which asked people whether they would mind if a close relative were to marry a strong Leaver or Remainer, which produced a startling result: only 9% of Leavers would mind if a close relative married a strong Remainer; but no fewer than 37% of Remainers would mind if a close relative married a strong Leaver.
maybe because they assume that a strong remainer will stay in the marriage and is more sufferable than a strong leaver.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 9, 2016
You need to follow the fundamental rules of genetics. If you interbreed with lesser breeds ,the qualities of the progeny DECREASE. .
The movie" Idiotochrachy " makes it clear

Maybe there is a movie called that...

Or maybe you meant Idiocracy?

Maybe you are the rule that proves the rule?

I’m not saying you’re an idiot in Ireland. I dare say you are looked upon as a fierce intellect.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Mar 13, 2013
Co. Down, N. Ireland, U.K.
It`s clear the real stumbling block lies south of the border, and you`d think after the UK helped bail them out with £billions they`d be more of a help than a hindrance - but no.

Varadkar deserves everything coming to him if there’s a no deal Brexit
If the UK leaves the European Union without a deal, the chief architects of that outcome will be Theresa May, Michel Barnier and Leo Varadkar. The Irish prime minister turned forty last week, and this inexperienced politician will probably deliver the most serious blow to his country’s economy for decades, well before he reaches his forty-first birthday.

In the aftermath of the government’s Draft Withdrawal Agreement defeat, the Financial Times reported that “Varadkar has made clear to Berlin and Paris that he would prefer no deal to a time-limited backstop.” His strategy is to “blame the Brits for the mess”, according to one of the newspaper’s sources, who was privy to these conversations.

In the short-term at least, this message is likely to be received sympathetically by Irish electors. However, the consolations of raging at ‘perfidious Albion’ are likely to wear thin quickly if living standards in Eire drop, thanks to the Dublin government’s brinkmanship.

Article here ->
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
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Oct 25, 2006
Another list where New Zealand is absent... At least they put it on the map this time. I bet they are so clever they think New Zealand is part of Australia!

IQ is a very bad way of measuring intelligence but a very good way of measuring how good kids are at passing tests.
I take it you didn't pass the test? ;)
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 27, 2018
Yes. Because they are your FRIENDS.

Whereas in 50Hertz's case - they are working for him on a contract.


You really are a dick. The worst kind of Troll. A Troll who accuses others of being a Troll but who acts like a total knob.
I'm quite pleased to have triggered the trolls on the thread. the fact that it makes them display their limited vocabulary and intellect to the world is a bonus.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 12, 2014
Colchester, Essex
The United Kingdom in that list includes Northern Ireland of course, who share in Ireland's very high proportion of Mensa members.

As I reported from Mensa's own data, England lags behind Ireland in that respect.
But then there's this - which says

"Ireland - comprising Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and which predates the regional division of British Mensa and is thus administered and run differently to the regions within British Mensa."

"The Republic of Ireland and the British territory of Northern Ireland comprise one region ("Ireland") while the Channel Islands are also outside the United Kingdom and have their own small region. The remainder of the regions are formed by the United Kingdom nations of Scotland, Wales, and the English regions, with the Isle of Man (a British Crown Protectorate which isn't a part of the UK) forming part of the North West England region."
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Oct 25, 2006
But then there's this - which says

"Ireland - comprising Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and which predates the regional division of British Mensa and is thus administered and run differently to the regions within British Mensa."

"The Republic of Ireland and the British territory of Northern Ireland comprise one region ("Ireland") while the Channel Islands are also outside the United Kingdom and have their own small region. The remainder of the regions are formed by the United Kingdom nations of Scotland, Wales, and the English regions, with the Isle of Man (a British Crown Protectorate which isn't a part of the UK) forming part of the North West England region."
Agreed, but there is data within those groupings, and as said, I'm quoting (British) Mensa, albeit from a little while ago.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 12, 2014
Colchester, Essex
Another list where New Zealand is absent... At least they put it on the map this time. I bet they are so clever they think New Zealand is part of Australia!

IQ is a very bad way of measuring intelligence but a very good way of measuring how good kids are at passing tests.
I agree - just by practicing IQ tests can raise IQ . Interesting subject in Psychology.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
I take it you didn't pass the test? ;)
Unfortunately it was mandatory at age 12 back in those days. I failed so they wanted me to study Latin...
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Oct 25, 2006
I had a chance to join MENSA in my early twenties...….but my common sense told
me the £40 per year subs (now £60) was not worth it.
Similar, passed and joined but immediately resigned.

That was my way of saying that paying to be a member of an organisation that declares, of necessity, it has no aims, is not a very intelligent thing to do.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
Similar, passed and joined but immediately resigned.

That was my way of saying that paying to be a member of an organisation that declares, of necessity, it has no aims, is not a very intelligent thing to do.
I thought it was formed to keep trouble makers off the streets? :rolleyes:
