Brexit, for once some facts.


Oct 25, 2006
We are.turning our backs on folk clamouring for a link to UK. (India, Vietnam, and others)
How blind can you be? They are only clamouring for trade links so they can sell to us at far lower prices than we can manage.

With our costs we can't possible sell to those countries, especially when they can buy from cheaper and much closer China. Not even services, India supplies us with far more of those already than we ever could to them.

Sometimes I wish, like OG, that we could crash out for you to have the shock of reality replacing fantasy.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Probably - seeing as we won't be importing cheap labour like we used to.
Do you really believe that?
What is going to make that happen when the Government has already stated that it will adjust the numbers to suit itself?
Remember it actually always could with non EU immigrants but never has.
Why should it now when the need is greater?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
No Zlatan, the BS is coming from you, but it does reinforce my point where you insisted that remainers should attempt to convince leavers to come on side, and I maintained that it was a waste of point as they are not willing to see reason.
And in fact this is your second change of mind on the subject, which clearly is only something to argue over from your point of view.
You forget that some of us can look back on changes in Europe from a longer perspective than yours and know what progress has been made since the Second World War.
et's face it your lifestyle is that of someone wandering around these societies trying to pull a few juicy deals , make a few quick Euros here and there and nothing to do with understanding the fate of ordinary working class people in those societies living normal lives.
You are in fact the epitome of the thing you pretend to despise a "Champagne Socialist"
Every posting you make evidences that point of view
Well I, m in good company in here then. Just off for a G and T... Evening trip on yacht with Indian delegates.. Then a champagne reception in New harbour facilities..


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I'm having that wonderful feeling you get when you consider the possibility that you're not alone in the universe.
Quite so, there is no such thing as a unique idea , there will always be others too who are similarly afflicted, after all even crazy ideas have to come from somewhere,as original thinkers are thin on the ground.
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Jennifer Jenkins

Jun 6, 2018
You cannot get fresh food from NZ. You can get freshly frozen food ,delivered by ship many weeks later. At a very high price, you can get airported food within perhaps 36 hrs of it being alive.
Which - my friend - is why I put 'fresh' in inverted commas.

As you were.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
Probably - seeing as we won't be importing cheap labour like we used to.
Which means of course that you are going to have to spend resources educating your own,and that includes the expensive activities like engineering,science, nursing . Teaching engineering apprentices properly is not a cheap activity .
But to do that you need the trade to pay for the food and other raw materials your country needs to import. If you could not succeed within the EU (and in fact you were succeeding to an extent), what advantages will being outside the largest, most wealthy free trading block afford?.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
Well I, m in good company in here then. Just off for a G and T... Evening trip on yacht with Indian delegates.. Then a champagne reception in New harbour facilities..
Zathlan, just a point to ponder, you can live the good life there as a tourist because your lifestyle is bankrolled by a wealthy country. And your pensions or charter fees whatever are some multiple of what these people live on. The only time I had concerns for my personal safety ,and they were not excessive ,as I am a glass half full person, was when I was in Siagon and realised that I was worth killing for the contents of my wallet.
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Jennifer Jenkins

Jun 6, 2018
There are rather a lot of people here who can't afford wine,and the notion of refrigerated food being used from the far side of the world when we had it locally supplied in the EU does demonstrate the stupidity of the sort of expediency that Brexit will require.
OK. Serious question. Do you really believe there are 'a lot' of people 'here' who can't afford wine? I'm not sure by 'here' if you mean this list or the UK so if you could clarify that. And I'm not sure what you think you need to pay for a half-decent bottle of wine (but I never spend more than £5.50). But really. Seriously. Do you really think 'a lot' of people can't afford that?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 4, 2012
For example, I often see tests showing low B12, low folate, low iron despite good diets. Let alone when the people have obviously poor diets. Their symptoms of deficiency are also often missed.
a lot seem to be overfed, but undernourished. In many cases main diet seems to consist of takeaways, mcdonalds etc. Makes me smile a bit when people say they cannot afford to eat healthily. A pound of mince for £3 and a few other cheap ingredients will feed 6/8 people. Problem is people have lost the ability to cook
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
(but I never spend more than £5.50)
did you watch 'food and drink' on BBC2 today?

Apparently, from their analysis, on a bottle that costs £5.50:

- £2 duty.
- £0.92 VAT
- £1.15 profit for the importer and retailer
- 85p for the wine, bottling and transport

The producers for the wine itself won't get more than 50p for growing the grapes and making the wine.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 4, 2012
All French military vehicles have the EU flag on them - the army is proud to be in the EU.

In other news Molotov cocktails, baseball bats, slingshots and other various clubs, knives and iron bars are considered to be weapons. Did you see on TV the person with the battery powered angle grinder attacking ATMs?

The police are defending people and property from casseurs (the ones wearing the masks), most of whom have nothing to do with the protest but who are just out for a bit of wanton destruction and ultra violence. Anyone can wear a high-vis vest.

A word of advise: people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

I think all genuine peaceful demonstrations get hijacked by extreme factions both left and right


Oct 25, 2006
Are the BBC news staff all having the weekend off? - They seem to have gone unusually quiet about 'Brexit' matters suddenly.
Here's a sample of the Radio 4 programs on Brexit that I mentioned Tom, just listened to on the i-player:

Brexit on the Border

No politicians, just questioning people on and around the Scottish border on their Brexit views and generally calm and sensible for a change.
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Oct 25, 2006
Problem is people have lost the ability to cook
Something the food banks make worse since of necessity they are supplying canned and packeted processed foods and not fresh ingredients.

As I had to explain to a pair of young friends a short while ago, heating a tray of sliced roast beef in gravy and pre-roasted potatoes in the oven isn't cooking.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
I think all genuine peaceful demonstrations get hijacked by extreme factions both left and right
the 'yellow vests' get support from all sorts of interest groups, left, right, centre, old, young, anarchists, marxists, football hooligans etc.
Macron is asking for troubles recently. He cuts taxes for the rich and put up taxes for the JAMs.

Among their demands:

- zero SDF (sans domicile fixes, get rid of homelessness)
- minimium wage 1,300 Euros monthly take home pay
- stop the development of commercial centres
- build 5 millions more eco homes for the JAMs
- large internet companies (McDonald, Amazon, Google, FB, Ebay etc) to pay their fair taxes
- end of the SRI, same social security regime for the self employed
- end of the point system for pensions
- stop further taxes on fuel
- minimum pension at 1,200 Euros per month
- union reps get to have same holiday, lunch, transport benefits as regular workers
- stop companies moving their factories to cheaper states or cities.
- force all employers to pay the same social charges for zero hours contracts as regular workers
- stop large companies to employ workers under fixed term contracts
- force French government to develop transports running on hydrogen, not electric.
- force French government to deal with the causes of migrations
- forced repatriation of failed asylum applicants
- applicants for the French citizenship must sit exams for reading, writing, French history and culture
- curb maximum salary to 15,000 Euros a month
- state to provide employments of last resort to all job seekers
- curb rent rise for students and essential workers
- stop selling national assets

The list goes on for a couple of pages...


Oct 25, 2006
What happened to Raleigh ?
More nonsense, Raleigh manufacturing like our whole bicycle industry died long before we joined the EU. I know because I was in the trade when it was first happening and for obvious reasons it was the first of our major industries to fail.
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