Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 19, 2017
Jacob Rees Mogg doesn't know any other way, he's a robot. I watched a program depicting him meeting constituents in one of his political surgeries.

For everyone it was the same monotone manner of reply, and what was most apparent was just how closed his mind is. He waits for the other person to speak but doesn't give any thought to what has been said. The response is always his preset opinion on the matter in question which he's obviously not prepared to change in the light of new information.

The result very often is that his apparent polite demeanour is really a form of extreme rudeness, showing no consideration for others.

Politics has another just like him, impeccably polite and indeed presenting himself with the most gentle of manner. He is the ruthless mass-murdering president of Syria, Bashar al-Assad.
Just a little OTT there I feel. You miss so much when you damn a man in that fashion. Even, yes even, oldtom is able to portray a lighter side to a person. First Tony Benn and now just followed by Hitler. You should take a leaf out of JRM's book and today OldTom as well.
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Oct 25, 2006
In which case you will never understand the man and his beliefs - his strengths and his weaknesses.
You really do wear blinkers. I'm very familiar with Jacob Rees Mogg's characteristics and don't wish to share in them. Hence my response which didn't in any way justify your assertion.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Just a little OTT there I feel. You miss so much when you damn a man in that fashion. Even, yes even, oldtom is able to portray a lighter side to a person. First Tony Benn and now just followed by Hitler. You should take a leaf out of JRM's book and today OldTom as well.
Ok reveal to us the Good side of this individual, has he for instance
  1. Shown care for the Poor
  2. Ditto for the needy
  3. Demanded better safety rules and regulations
  4. Deplored Fod Banks as being unnecessary
Let's face it he's the worst of a bad lot, isn't he, with no redeeming features whatsoever, who has consistently voted against anything to help others less fortunate, on the basis they should learn to live within their means, to use his own words.
And you admire this grotesque clown?
Rees-Mogg has been an MP since 2010, and in that time has voted on a number of social issues.

Looking on the Public Whip and They Work For You, indy100 has seen those 'traditional' values in action.

Decriminalising abortion
13 March 2017: The government sought to decriminalise abortion and make changes to access to termination of pregnancies by medical practitioners.

Ress-Mogg voted against.

Reuniting unaccompanied refugee children with their families
1 March 2017: The government bill called for working with Greece and Italy to reunite unaccompanied refugee children with their families, and also for local authorities in the UK to monitor their own capacity to support unaccompanied refugee children.

Rees-Mogg voted against.

Repealing the Human Rights Act
26 May 2016: During the Queen's Speech debate in May 2016, the last to be held under David Cameron's premiership, MPs voted on repealing the Human Rights Act 1998, which allowed UK citizens to have their human rights defended in UK courts.

Rees-Mogg voted to repeal. He also supported a similar repeal bill in 2012.

Spending at least 0.7 per cent of national income each year on international aid
5 December 2014: Third reading of the International Development (Official Development Assistance Target) Bill. According to Public Whip The UK's Gross National Income was $2.521 trillion USD in 2013, 0.7% of which equals 17 billion dollars or around 10 billion pounds.

Rees-Mogg voted against.

Same-sex marriage
21 May 2013: David Cameron's same-sex marriage bill, which became law, allowed same-sex couples to marry, whereas previously they had only been allowed to enter into 'civil partnerships' since 2004.

Rees-Mogg voted no.

He also voted no on votes to extend divorce rights to same-sex couples, and to extend the right to gay marriage to armed forces personnel serving overseas.

Abolishing public subsidies for electricity generating wind farms
6 March 2015: A bill to abolish public money going to set up new wind farms was presented by the backbench MP Peter Bone.

Rees-Mogg voted in favour.

Mass surveillance and the bulk interception of communications
7 June 2015: The government's latest Investigatory Powers Bill gave authorities the power to engage in equipment interference, the retention and examination of bulk personal datasets subject to some safeguards.

Public Whip summed up the bill:

Provisions supported by the majority of MPs could allow the mass interception of people's communications as well as the retention and use by the state of datasets which could include personal banking, travel, and health data.

Rees-Mogg voted in favour.

Mr Rees-Mogg spoke to indy100 shortly after publication to clarify why he voted in favour of the Investigatory Powers Bill - arguing that "most votes are whipped votes" and recommending that the people treat the They Work For You website with caution.

"The key thing is, most votes are whipped votes," explained Mr Rees-Mogg, "and I've voted with the government since 2010."

I wouldn't read into that that I'm in favour of mass surveillance.

He explained that the bill was "so widely supported, there was not a reason to vote against it," adding "the Labour party weren't going to oppose it."

But, just because he voted in favour does not mean that he takes the matter of mass surveillance lightly.

Where have we heard "I was only following orders before?" does anyone remember?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
"An article published in CCTV Image magazine estimated the number of private and local government operated cameras in the United Kingdom was 1.85 million in 2011. The estimate was based on extrapolating from a comprehensive survey of public and private cameras within the Cheshire Constabulary jurisdiction. This works out as an average of one camera for every 32 people in the UK, although the density of cameras varies greatly from place to place. The Cheshire report also claims that the average person on a typical day would be seen by 70 CCTV cameras."

Welcome to your Brave New World! 2084 is just around the corner!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
"An article published in CCTV Image magazine estimated the number of private and local government operated cameras in the United Kingdom was 1.85 million in 2011. The estimate was based on extrapolating from a comprehensive survey of public and private cameras within the Cheshire Constabulary jurisdiction. This works out as an average of one camera for every 32 people in the UK, although the density of cameras varies greatly from place to place. The Cheshire report also claims that the average person on a typical day would be seen by 70 CCTV cameras."

Welcome to your Brave New World! 2084 is just around the corner!
Was you mean, it's not even in the rear view mirrors now!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Another Diplomatic triumph for our Negotiating team
From the independent
Brexit negotiations: European Parliament says sufficient progress not made as it urges EU leaders to delay next phase of talks
UK has ‘seriously impeded’ the withdrawal talks because of a lack of ‘clear proposals’ over settling its bills, MEPs say"

This is interesting
During the debate, a senior MEP warned Ms May that Boris Johnson must be sacked if she wanted to prevent the Brexit negotiations breaking down.

Manfred Weber, a key ally of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, said the Foreign Secretary’s interventions left the Government “trapped by their own party quarrels and political contradictions”.

Now the Murdoch Press will laud Boris to the heavens!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
From the Sun
Young Brits should become fruit pickers again once EU workers leave – even if it means food prices going up, claims Tory MP

Trade envoy Richard Graham told a party conference event ‘a lot of our agricultural produce is rather under-priced anyway’
YOUNG Brits should go back becoming fruit pickers once EU workers leave after Brexit - even if it means the price of food going up, claims a Tory MP.

Richard Graham said there is “no reason why our young can't do it” once the seasonal workers from Eastern Europe have to leave the UK..

Are these people let out of Asylums specially for the party conference?
Have we made no progress at all in the last 74 years their stupidity has been the power in the land?
Worst of all are they so blind they don't see that the Brexit Voters want exactly the opposite to happen , and will react very badly if the going gets rough.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
From the Express this morning.
Brexit vote was 'cry of financial pain' from ALL voters - not just older people
LAST year's Brexit vote was a "cry of financial pain" from voters who felt they were not doing well economically, new research has found."

I wonder why expensive researh is needed to see what is plainly obvious? it was a protest vote in the main regardless of claims to the contrary.
And that is the dangerous part of our situation, things cannot get better can they?
Inevitably leading to trouble.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Boris did it again.
Boris Johnson says Libyan city has bright future 'once they clear the dead bodies'
Foreign Secretary shocks Tory activists with risque joke about tourism potential in former Islamic State stronghold.

From the Independent


Esteemed Pedelecer
Foreign Secretary shocks Tory activists with risque joke about tourism potential in former Islamic State stronghold.
Given that the PM and others were telling their members at conference and the world at large that there are no schisms within the PCP, they are united and May has no intention of sacking BJ, I take this statement to be the collective view, representative of the whole party.

If ever there were a case for a political U-turn!

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Pericles was a Greek politician among other things about two and a half thousand years ago and I don't think he was a very nice bloke from my scant knowledge of that period in history. One telling remark ascribed to him though which may have some relevance today, particularly in Spain, was this:


Right-wing government as we call it today is frequently a euphemism for fascist government. Total and absolute obedience is demanded where those regimes exist and such countries are easily identifiable by their opposition to collective groups such as trade unions, separatist bodies and any gathering of demonstrators from anti-austerity through anti-war to anti-nuclear protestors, strikers and so on, using proscription and/or other legal means to criminalise such activity as the government sees fit. Sound familiar?

In the UK today, we have more surveillance cameras than anywhere else in the world, I believe. We also have the secret service legally permitted - no warrant required - to monitor our phone calls, our internet usage, the TV programmes we watch, where we shop, who our friends are - there are no limits and the government gets away with such intrusion into our private affairs under the coverall banner of anti-terrorist legislation, which isn't working as we know from our recent experiences within the UK.

I watched Theresa May's cosy chat interview yesterday with the deputy leader of the tory party bought and paid for media bigot, Laura KuenSSberg. For some strange reason, I thought it was like watching the late Ray Alan and Lord Charles - it was that authentic!

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Esteemed Pedelecer
I came across this recently, accredited to Einstein:


Does anyone else think the brilliant man may have been plagiarised by Martin Niemöller after WW2 or vice-versa?.....perhaps just coincidence. I don't know the dates of origin.

First they came for the communists and I did not speak out because I was not a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Finally, they came for me and there was no one left to speak out.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
from the FT:

"UK and EU strike initial deal on WTO quotas in Brexit breakthrough"

if it's not progress, then what is it?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
From the Independent

And this is the party that promises to "Defend our Shores?" and "Control Immigration"
Sorry have to stop, just too Funny..........:D:D:D:D:D

And on Twitter

Free Pack of Strepsils Indeed! George Osborne strikes Back!

Best Reader comment of the day in the Guardian
The writing is on the wall indeed. Lets hope it doesn't fall off.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I'm a great believer in Research, this from the BBC.

"Pheasants are the bird species most likely to be run over on UK roads, research suggests..

Well I never! this is a REVELATION!
That must have taken all of someone's Tea Break to figure out using a Ouija Board.

But wonder sometimes at the subjects they choose to study.

The thought does occur that the military might have funded this research in the hope of using the advanced self destructive urge of pheasant Brains that compel them to attack vehicles as a replacement guidance system in the Warheads of Trident Missiles to replace the unreliable electronic ones.
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