Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
This man has been around a bit longer than most of us. I leave it up to each individual to decide whether his life experience and prejudices are justified and might be of any value to those of us who have not lived through all of his times.

This is what Smith said:

"...The only lesson the citizens of Britain can learn from this is not to trust the Tories on anything and vote accordingly. We are governed by Tories whose prime motivation is self interest. Look at the mess Britain is in and know it has the fingerprints of greed all over it. Our nation is failing and western democracy is on the ropes because we entrusted our democracy, our way of life, our prosperity to mediocrities who don't care whether we live or die."

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
An interesting article in the guardian today uncovers how the brexit result was apparently bought , or at the very least subverted by an American billionaire who funded both leave campaigns using an it company that used two separate identities.
Illegally funding two campaigns that were really one.
Brexit Britain
Bought and sold for Yankee Gold.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
After reading this for the first time, I considered it could have been made up in some kind of left-wing 'black-ops' campaign to further discredit the current, unfit-for-purpose PM. I mulled over that possibility then re-read the article. I then decided, on balance, it is probably true and the lady concerned probably has good reason, locally and socially, for withholding her name.


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Oct 25, 2006
After reading this for the first time, I considered it could have been made up in some kind of left-wing 'black-ops' campaign to further discredit the current, unfit-for-purpose PM. I mulled over that possibility then re-read the article. I then decided, on balance, it is probably true and the lady concerned probably has good reason, locally and socially, for withholding her name.


Probably typical of their more right wing MPs. In a program showing Jacob Rees Mogg seeing constituents in a surgery, he was as uncompromisingly uninterested in anything they had to say that didn't match his views.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Peter Oborne is a journalist and a self-confessed tory voter. He, nevertheless, sees the Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, very differently from the rest of the herd and has this to say:

"As a Tory, I don't share many of Corbyn's political beliefs, but I am certain that most of what is written about the Labour leader is false...

...Unlike Tony Blair, Corbyn has to do it the hard way. He has achieved his triumph in the face of hostility from a deeply unfair and partisan British media, much of which is openly determined to destroy him and distort his actions."

"Mr Corbyn is dragging Labour back in touch with its rank-and-file voters for the first time in almost a quarter of a century. As a party leader who reaches decisions not through calculation but through principle, he puts to shame the lies and spin of the New Labour era"

"There was an unspoken agreement between Tories and Labour that they would only work within very constrained parameters. The Cameron Conservative Party and the Blairite Labour Party both advocated near identical spending and taxation targets. They both supported the marketisation of the public sector. They both agreed the same neoliberal economic model."

"For two decades both main parties have shared the same verities about British foreign policy. They have regarded Britain as automatically subservient to the United States. This in turn has meant that we have interpreted the partnership with the Gulf dictatorships - such as Saudi Arabia and UAE - as central to Britain’s Middle East focus, while taking the side of the Israeli state against the Palestinians.

No matter which party was technically in power, British foreign policy has remained unchanged. David Cameron is indistinguishable in foreign policy terms to Tony Blair. (Indeed, the former prime minister has become one of Mr Cameron’s most valued foreign policy advisors.)

Jeremy Corbyn would smash this consensus...

...Let’s now examine Jeremy Corbyn’s own record. He opposed the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He argued for talks with the IRA long before this became official policy. He has been ridiculed for talking to Hamas and Hezbollah. By one of the deeper ironies of modern history Tony Blair is now (as Middle East Eye recently revealed) in discussion with Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal, in which enterprise he has the backing of David Cameron.

Most people would agree that on the most intractable foreign policy issues of our time Corbyn has tended to be right and the British establishment has tended to be wrong. What Corbyn does or thinks today is likely to be vindicated a few years later. Hard though it is for the British establishment to stomach, Corbyn’s foreign policy ideas have generally been more balanced and far-sighted than those of his opponents...

...Corbyn is our only current hope of any serious challenge to a failed orthodoxy. Blair and Cameron have both adopted a foreign policy based on subservience rather than partnership with the United States [a position now taken by May], which has done grave damage to British interests."…/according-british-media-clas……/PETER-OBORNE-Corbyn-hero-democra……/corbyn-troublemaker-15324840…

In summary, Mr Oborne puts it this way:




Esteemed Pedelecer
Today is the 65th birthday of this creature with a drink-driving conviction to his name, besides being proved to be a parliamentary expenses cheat.

He is also the despicable, war-mongering UK Defence Secretary in Mrs May's 'Strong and stable' cabinet.

I give you - The Right Honourable Sir Michael Fallon KCB, (KCB being the leaving gift to him from David Ca-moron when he left office).


It's great to know we're all in it together, even though his honour ranks higher than least I earned mine!

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Probably typical of their more right wing MPs. In a program showing Jacob Rees Mogg seeing constituents in a surgery, he was as uncompromisingly uninterested in anything they had to say that didn't match his views.
For some reason Rees Mogg reminds me of this character

And I don't mean Ray Alan


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Latest Bull in the Telegraph
Workers to get year of leave to care for elderly relatives under Tory Government"

My parents needed care for more than TEN years, both lived into their Nineties and Mother had Dementia for most of those years, who are they kidding?
When she reached the stage of being incontinent and bed bound, specialist help was needed, and proper day support too.
Clearly the torys are expecting not to have these systems in support any more and this apparently generous leave committment is intended to fool the public into shouldering the burden of caring for the elderly without help from the state.
That will prove data catastrophic to both the elderly and their carers.
I would sooner die than put that burden on my children.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
... If this was a commercial hack then by following the money the perpetrators will be found
it's not easy to find who owns the bitcoins account that is used to collect the ransom. .


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
Funny. That is what all the extreme right, fascist dictators say too.

Bitcoin is freedom - for your money.
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