Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Spent a dew minutes looking for my old " revelation" that I,d voted leave. Got bored, but its there somewhere, but I did notice you have an admirer. He hits your like button before he,s had time to read posts. Must be a psychic admirer...
You could spend the rest of your life and you still won't find something that has never been there.
Oddly I noticed another individual who confirms the excellent content and accuracy of my comments by disagreeing with them every time.
The strange thing is he has a terrible memory over his own posts, what he wants and which side of the argument he supports.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
It's a non story OG. Man asks question out of turn. Man asked to wait his turn. Man continues to ask question out of turn. Man is removed from press briefing.

Once upon a time nothing happened, is not news.
Once upon a time tillson gave up seeing the reality before his eyes and passed into a state of Brexitophobia induced delusion.
Trump is Bad News for us all.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
South Yorkshire and Rotherham especially is still suffering repercussions from the child abuse scandal , part of which was manifested in area being targetted by EDL. There have been backlashes against both.
Brexit came along whilst this situation was still seeing swings one way and back I,d say was indicative of areas recent history, but who knows.
Well actually said nothing; but that's an improvement. it was like an astrologer's prediction, so general as to mean NOWT
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Esteemed Pedelecer
The, "get out of my country" comment isn't acceptable and the person saying it needs taking to task. That aside, it's a storm in a tea cup. Move along please, nothing to see here.
Just because you are a devoted 'Brexidiot' Tillson does not excuse you from brushing this matter aside in the same manner you did with the murder of Jo Cox MP. At every turn, you reveal yourself to be an apologist for right-wing extremism, blind and indifferent to the reality of what is really happening.

If that happened in the UK at a Jeremy Corbyn press briefing, it would be emblazoned across the front page of every tory rag and would be repeated on Sky & BBC news half-hourly all day long then further repeated at every opportunity for weeks afterwards. Jeremy Corbyn, of course, is a gentleman and would deal politely with the questioner as he has all through his political career.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
Just because you are a devoted 'Brexidiot' Tillson does not excuse you from brushing this matter aside in the same manner you did with the murder of Jo Cox MP. At every turn, you reveal yourself to be an apologist for right-wing extremism, blind and indifferent to the reality of what is really happening.

If that happened in the UK at a Jeremy Corbyn press briefing, it would be emblazoned across the front page of every tory rag and would be repeated on Sky & BBC news half-hourly all day long then further repeated at every opportunity for weeks afterwards. Jeremy Corbyn, of course, is gentleman and would deal politely with the questioner as he has all through his political career.

A slightly different take on this is that in my opinion, at every turn, you reveal yourself to be a butthole.

American journalist is removed from press briefing for persistently asking a question out of turn. So what? I believe that Jeremy Corbin is a gentleman and would have dealt with the situation with more grace, but I still think this is a non-event and don't know why you are getting a cockstand over it.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 30, 2013
The mock oriental grammar is a bit racist, but I'll let you off this time :)
I think eejit is a northern colloquialism, some place past Watford.
Not an oriental insult


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
A slightly different take on this is that in my opinion, at every turn, you reveal yourself to be a butthole.

American journalist is removed from press briefing for persistently asking a question out of turn. So what? I believe that Jeremy Corbin is a gentleman and would have dealt with the situation with more grace, but I still think this is a non-event and don't know why you are getting a cockstand over it.
I think eejit is a northern colloquialism, some place past Watford.
Not an oriental insult
Actually it's originally a Scottish and Irish word for Idiot
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 30, 2013
R u saying Scotland isny past Watford?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Although Tillson is clearly an apologist for the fascists of this world, those who are not wedded to the evil these people represent will find the footage contained in the attached film clip very disturbing.

This is the way of fascists and I don't know how often scenes like these must be shown before decent people stand up and speak out against the monsters who will bring nothing but poverty and heartbreak to ordinary people.

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Oct 3, 2016
I can't face going back to find your post about being from S.Yorkshire area, but I thought this might interest you so I've quoted a random post above so you get notified.

Brinsworth & Catcliffe (Rotherham) result:
LDEM: 66.0% (+50.4)
LAB: 17.1% (-26.2)
UKIP: 12.8% (-16.4)
CON: 3.0% (-8.8)
GRN: 1.0% (+1.0)

This was last nights election results, so the first time the people of Rotherham have had a chance to vote since the referendum.

This area was 67.9% "leave" and now they've suddenly voted in a pro EU party with a 50.4% increase in their vote share, and UKIP lost 16.4%

I wonder what is going on here then.....
probably shows that voting leave has nothing to do with which party you support.


Oct 25, 2006
probably shows that voting leave has nothing to do with which party you support.
It is curious though, that those who want to leave the EU vote for the party most strongly in favour of remaining in.

Seems to indicate a lack of logic when there were four other choices.
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