Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Not quite right Flecc.
Under EU directive 80/181/ EEC we were allowed ( thanks) to display any products we wished in any units we wished as long as none we larger than SI units. That was until 2009 , from which date same directive said we must sell in SI units. The earlier 1980 directive was advisory. After 2009 advertising/ displaying in dual units was illegal.( under mentioned directive)
I wondered why I never received the Firkin of ale I ordered!
But Pints are still on sale it seems.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
It's a schoolboy error to underestimate individuals & the public's mood.


Donald Trump

The Conservative Party

Adrian Edmondson is a really nice man. I have met him a few times and so have many of my colleagues. We all agree that he is kind and generous with his time. I don't know what his political views are or whether he is pro or anti BREXIT.

His wife comes from good military stock with a fine pedigree, so I imagine they are pro BREXIT, but that's just a guess.
tillson old chap I must ask you to remember not to upset people's sensitivities.
describing a person as having a fine "pedigree" might upset that part of the population that struggles to remember who it's father, or indeed mother were.

This comment by the way is issued under the terms of "Diminished Responsibilty" That being regarded as Mad conveys on me.
Feel free to ignore it as usual, and have a nice day.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Not quite right Flecc.
Under EU directive 80/181/ EEC we were allowed ( thanks) to display any products we wished in any units we wished as long as none we larger than SI units. That was until 2009 , from which date same directive said we must sell in SI units. The earlier 1980 directive was advisory. After 2009 advertising/ displaying in dual units was illegal.( under mentioned directive)
Not entirely correct Zlatan
The only products you can sell in imperial measures are:

  • draught beer or cider by pint
  • milk in returnable containers by pint
  • precious metals by troy ounce
You can display an imperial measurement alongside the metric measurement but it can’t stand out more than the metric measurement.
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Oct 25, 2006
in answer to the question, 'How tall are you?', it's very rare to hear a young person answer in the metric way - usually, it's 5'-11" or 6'-2".....or whatever. It makes me wonder about our education system!
This doesn't surprise me Tom, and I don't think it's connected with the education system.

As convenient as the metric system is to work with, its great failing is not being related to human scale. Take 5'6" and 168 cm.

The comparison I draw is this. If I throw 168 identical items onto the ground and ask you how many, you'll have to count them. But if I throw 5 or 6 items down you won't have to, a glance and you'll instantly recognise five or six in your minds eye. For the same reasons it easy to sum up a small number of feet and inches

It's because it's in human scale, our imperial measures grew out of practical daily usages, not from an arbitrary section of the earth's circumferance.

Some years ago I conducted a small experiment with a
batch of people like myself who grew up with Imperial measure, and a group of youngish Australian adults who had only ever known metric.

The experiment was to guess the three dimensions of a wide variety of boxes of different sizes, only using sight. I had half expected the outcome, but the result shook even me. Those using imperial were by a huge margin far more accurate than those using metric.

I had the opportunity to repeat this years later on a much smaller scale with just two metric users and myself and another used to imperial. The results were clearly the same, the larger the number of units necessary to guess the size, the disproportionally greater the error.

The fact is we like the ease of single or at least smaller numbers, 8 gallons to fill up feels more friendly than 37 litres, 8 miles rather than 13 kilometres etc.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
blimey, are you sure? heard him on radio with eddie mayer (waxing about being british and hating everyone) and thought, blimey, that absolutely MUST be heinrich Himmler's ugly younger brother?
No, the impression is purely intentional you know.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
It wasn't aimed directly at you. I know that you predicted a the magnificent BREXIT victory which we are all currently enjoying.
Jolly good old chap just struggling to equate magnificient victory with the actual margin gained which had it gone the other way Nigel of the Four million votes (actually 16128) had stated categorically could only be regarded as "Work in progress, as only 2 to 1 remain majority would have closed the matter for good.

Apart from that slight niggle , lets have Article 50 backdated to that fateful Monday after before Mrs May manages to weasel out of it and ruin the punchline of the longest running joke in Parliamentary History, as since she obviously hasn't and never will have a plan, my suggestion is to send the three Brexiteers in to demand a surrender.

it will be a repeat of the day that the English Fireships fell upon the Armada off Calais.
One of my distant ancestors was there and this graphic illustrates what a jolly time he had

Do you note that wreck at the top of the graphic? he was lucky enough to be on that one and end up in Scotland, unlike the unlucky ones wrecked in Irish waters where they tended to meet a sticky end.
Who knows? perhaps this explains my empathy for foreigners arriving by sea using unconventional means?
And a fear that like that attempt to "come out of Europe" this one too which set off with high hopes, but will end up wrecked on a hostile shore by not merely adverse weather but terrible currents that were completely unknown to exist to the would be invaders and wrecked so many of them.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
This isn't new but it's still a lovely little anecdote which describes perfectly how the tory business model operates:


Of course, it has undergone considerable refinement to the point where the present government feels so confident in their latest business venture in the international marketplace that we can divorce ourselves from our nearest customers and go it alone. It makes perfect somebody....somewhere......anybody?



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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
This isn't new but it's still a lovely little anecdote which describes perfectly how the tory business model operates:

View attachment 16571

Of course, it has undergone considerable refinement to the point where the present government feels so confident in their latest business venture in the international marketplace that we can divorce ourselves from our nearest customers and go it alone. It makes perfect somebody....somewhere......anybody?

Come now Tom 1% of the Population would definitely agree!:confused:
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
From that hotbed of something or other, The Independent,
poet of the day award goes to this catchy reader comment on Dear Lord Nigel's next career move
Nigel the Immigrant
packed his trunk
and said 'goodbye' to the circus.
Off he went with a Trumpity, Trump,
Trump, Trump, Trump."

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Why are we waiting?
A letter from Donald Tusk which seems to make sense^tfw

Faith in us gaining from delay must surely be dwindling day by day.

Instead of emulating the German business model which has seen their nation go from strength to strength over the last 70 years, our fascist government is now stuck in a quagmire of its own making, disseminating repeated pronouncements like a stuck record from the old days - 'Brexit means Brexit' nauseam.

However, the general propaganda message is straight out of the Joseph Goebells text book in as much as 'If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.......'

Why don't we take up Tusk's offer and get to it with the negotiations? Oh, to do that, we'd need a plan - I forgot!

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Not entirely correct Zlatan
The only products you can sell in imperial measures are:

  • draught beer or cider by pint
  • milk in returnable containers by pint
  • precious metals by troy ounce
You can display an imperial measurement alongside the metric measurement but it can’t stand out more than the metric measurement.
That was case until 2009, after which we were supposed to drop dual labelling. We didn't and as yet no convictions.
( apart from on mentioned exemptions, which are still exempt)

But a quick trip to Spain/ Portugal and you,ll see our ignoring this directive is quite insignificant..


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
That was case until 2009, after which we were supposed to drop dual labelling. We didn't and as yet no convictions.
( apart from on mentioned exemptions, which are still exempt)

But a quick trip to Spain/ Portugal and you,ll see our ignoring this directive is quite insignificant..
Interesting that was from the Current UK Government website I wonder why they were exempt?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
Just watching a Labour MP on BBC News Room live trying to get a few RAF pilots and crews killed.

They are advocating flying over Aleppo and dropping supplies. Where is the EU on this? If it's going to be done, shouldn't the EU be coordinating and supplying aircraft and crews from the member states?
Ummm, you are a member state... Until next year. Sorry we don't like it either.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Because like most rulings in eu, individual countries can ignore ( or even alter) rulings/ directives. Some respects this is good but WTF is point of paying all those MEP,s , civil servants in Brussels for countries to then pick and chose what they want..There is precious little standardisation except on paper. ( Great example is car/ motorbike roadworthiness , compare our standards with France, Germany, Greece, Spain....all utterly different. Efforts have made made to sort it for 15 years...france still refuse to introduce MOT (tva) for motorbikes. (but had a 100 bhp ( imperial unit !!!) limit , which I believe has recently been waived)Testing in Greece ( for licenses ) is almost none existent. Trailers over 500kg have to be registered in many eu countries ( attracting MOTs or equivalent and number plates) but not in ours...To say EU has been in existence since 72 (?? does it exist?) the situation is barmy...If its not unified by now it never will what's the point...
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
france still refuse to introduce MOT (tva)
You mean a "contrôle technique" (TVA = VAT). They did try and thousands and thousands of motorbike riders blocked motorways and city centres until the project was abandoned. That is the French way but then you should know, you live here don't you?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Yep. You are right...its Control Technique..hardly think I,d make that mistake if I lived there ? Been on a few diving trips and a school trip to St Mare Eglise about 50 years ago..
Dive club has a trailer which had to be matriculated for French trip and had we left it there registered and tested. ( more trouble than damned 25 ft rib)

But either way point remains. There is not much standardisation across EU, even on issues there should be.

Your reasoning behind CT might be correct but doesn't explain why it took until June 2016 to get 100bhp limit dropped, CT is ever 2 years, trailers have to be registered and a whole host of road related issues completely different throughout eu..Its far from standardised and never will be.
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Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
When people felt empowered to tick the Leave vote I don't think anyone understood the far reaching effects of Brexit.
If the EU won't let us have access to the CE standards we will have to revert to the old British standards. That means that many UK products will have to be tested to the British standard,many of these standards are out of date,and those products can then only be sold in the UK,we won't be able to sell our products into Europe unless the EU accepts our standards....I don't blame them not accepting our standards.
I don't think anyone who voted in the referendum ,leaver or remainer,was stupid,they just weren't told the implications of that vote.
Like it or not,we are Europeans more than we are British,we cannot unpick the integration just because 80 fascist/racist Tory Eurosceptic MP's want it otherwise. Our young people want more integration,they are the future and we are being selfish restricting their future.
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