Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
today's big event:

Wonderful news.

The other political parties can learn from this when choosing their leaders. Labour and Conservative, what disgraceful behaviour we are seeing / have seen in their selection processes. Truly awful, the worst in human behaviour coming out.

How delightfully refreshing it is to see UKIP select their leader with such transparency and democratic process.

This will strike a chord with the electorate and the more Labour and Conservatives try to block BREXIT, the greater the gift to Diane.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
The UKIP isn't an entity, it's an ENEMY of the state, and the people.
Quite an achievement to do both at the same time
And since the EU is no longer something we have to "Get out of"
They will need a new direction and group of voters to appeal to.

Wait a moment, yes I have the very thing
The Unthinking Kleptomanic Idiots Party
Referring of course to the necessity if they hope to keep this rabid pack of fools together, they will have to steal votes.
All they need now is a suitably pointless and destructive reason to exist to write a manifesto around.
Is this the woman you are referring to?
James was selected by North West Hampshire UKIP to be its candidate for MP in December 2014, having been given a 1.2% chance of winning. However, a few hours after making a speech at the UKIP Spring Conference in Margate, Kent, she stepped down from the Westminster candidacy "for personal reasons".

James made several controversial comments about Russian President Vladimir Putin in an April 2015 interview with Iain Dale, saying she admired him and that he was a strong leader who puts his country first and that he and UKIP may share common ground over their disagreements with the EU.
Where will she direct the National Affront hooligans to vandalise next?
A Putin Admirer? remind me what was that you said about integrity? would this be the same Putin that is ex KGB?
Well done, tillson, you have excelled yourself in picking Turkeys, and with Christmas coming on, too!

One could so easily draw the conclusion that the UKIP are in fact sponsored by Putin, and no doubt some folk will.
Not me, of course as I always trust your insight when it comes to selection of paragons of virtue.
You do have "form" in that regard :D:D:D
Her job is primarily going to be holding May's feet against the fire by taking votes away from the Conservatives over BREXIT. Or more precisely, the lack of BREXIT.

Labour are doing a fine job of making a public disgrace of themselves with the underhandedness of their leadership contest. The mistrust they are banking in the minds of the public will gift UKIP plenty of votes.

Putin totally out manoeuvred the EU in a political sense. He exposed them as blithering indecisive fools on the world stage. I think this is what Ms Janes admired, his political ability.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Here we go again. Racism is a very easy word to throw about and you seem to think that everyone who voted for Brexit is one. Stupid disgraceful attitude. You lost the referendum. Move on
If only we could! can someone, in fact anyone at all invoke Article 50, or is it requiring an "Act of God" ie accident to happen?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Wonderful news.

The other political parties can learn from this when choosing their leaders. Labour and Conservative, what disgraceful behaviour we are seeing / have seen in their selection processes. Truly awful, the worst in human behaviour coming out.

How delightfully refreshing it is to see UKIP select their leader with such transparency and democratic process.

This will strike a chord with the electorate and the more Labour and Conservatives try to block BREXIT, the greater the gift to Diane.
Why is that unsavoury character harassing that poor woman? you can see she doesn't like it!
Let me guess, he told her to stand as leader or threatened to kiss her?
Poor woman.
No wonder she agreed, wouldn't you?


Esteemed Pedelecer
PS WE also did for the Armada, Stuffed Napoleon, and caused a bit of grief for Wilhelm 11(not to mention a bit of demolition of France Germany, Holland ect bout 1940s)
History is, we are informed, always written by the victors. That means, inevitably, that it is most likely slanted in a particular way. With that in mind, it should not be overlooked that were it not for the Russians and Americans, we would probably all be speaking German today.

Today, it might be reasonable to ask, 'Why did we fight WW2?'. If that wasn't about defeating Fascism with its inherent racism, then what was it all about?

Oswald Mosley would be delighted that in this 21st century, there are still simpletons around who are prepared to treat their fellow man as a second-class species because they don't fit the mythical paradigm of 'Good British Anglo-Saxon stock'.......or should that be good German stock.....or Danish.....or Norman? How far back should we go? How long has immigration been around and when was it first described as a problem....and by whom?

The hypocrisy of many English people with a misguided superiority complex is not only quite breathtaking but extremely insulting to those from other lands and to those of different colour or culture. If only history was better taught and better understood, I'm sure that many of these 'Brexidiots' would be shocked to learn that they aren't really British at all, a great many derived from one or other of the various countries, races or tribes which conquered this country long ago.

The biggest problem among those people is that while they are racist, racist in attitude, intent and mindset, they resent being called racist. For them, there is some kind of self-defence mechanism which shields them from allowing themselves to be referred to in that way. Today we call that being in denial. The very same people are also able to easily disregard and diminish events such as the racist murder of a Polish man in Harlow or the murder of Jo Cox MP.

So blinded are they by their hatred that they have lost sight of reality, clinging to any twisted piece of journalism from fascist-owned newspapers in the hope that their sick fantasies might actually come true. An inability or unwillingness to distinguish between British government and EU legislation, ably blurred by their Fascist leaders and supportive media to suit their purpose is common across the range of right-wing extremists and those peripheral rent-a-mob demonstrators, anarchists and rebels without a cause. They have a tendency also to elevate the buffoon, Johnson, to Churchill-like status without having any idea of that man's disgraceful military and political record prior to and during WW2.

If they really believed in all the garbage spouted about immigration and how the UK will benefit enormously from divorcing itself from Europe, then they would call for a ban on foreign managers and foreign players from EU countries stealing jobs from British workers. They won't though, will they?

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Her job is primarily going to be holding May's feet against the fire by taking votes away from the Conservatives over BREXIT. Or more precisely, the lack of BREXIT.

Labour are doing a fine job of making a public disgrace of themselves with the underhandedness of their leadership contest. The mistrust they are banking in the minds of the public will gift UKIP plenty of votes.

Putin totally out manoeuvred the EU in a political sense. He exposed them as blithering indecisive fools on the world stage. I think this is what Ms Janes admired, his political ability.
By using superior military force that the EU doesn't possess?
Tell me what is impressive about that, or even to be admired.
Only the simple minded use military force when they could negotiate.
Sorry but bullying by any means in not in any way admirable, and lets face it Putin has the blood of innocents on his hands, in Syria and lots of other places doesn't he?
The UKIP was formed for a single purpose which they have achieved and they have no further reason to exist.
The referendum is over, they should get over it, move on and find useful work, as they are so fond of telling everyone else.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
History is, we are informed, always written by the victors. That means, inevitably, that it is most likely slanted in a particular way.
Oswald Mosley would be delighted that in this 21st century, there are still simpletons around who are prepared to treat their fellow man as a second-class species because they don't fit the mythical paradigm of 'Good British Anglo-Saxon stock'.......or should that be good German stock.....or Danish.....or Norman? How far back should we go? How long has immigration been around and when was it first described as a problem....and by whom?

I have the perfect answer to your question Tom

The day the Neanderthals encountered the first Cro-Magnon immigrants
And didn't like the attitude of superiority that came with them!

Style of thing!:eek:
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 4, 2012
History is, we are informed, always written by the victors. That means, inevitably, that it is most likely slanted in a particular way. With that in mind, it should not be overlooked that were it not for the Russians and Americans, we would probably all be speaking German today.

Today, it might be reasonable to ask, 'Why did we fight WW2?'. If that wasn't about defeating Fascism with its inherent racism, then what was it all about?

Oswald Mosley would be delighted that in this 21st century, there are still simpletons around who are prepared to treat their fellow man as a second-class species because they don't fit the mythical paradigm of 'Good British Anglo-Saxon stock'.......or should that be good German stock.....or Danish.....or Norman? How far back should we go? How long has immigration been around and when was it first described as a problem....and by whom?

The hypocrisy of many English people with a misguided superiority complex is not only quite breathtaking but extremely insulting to those from other lands and to those of different colour or culture. If only history was better taught and better understood, I'm sure that many of these 'Brexidiots' would be shocked to learn that they aren't really British at all, a great many derived from one or other of the various countries, races or tribes which conquered this country long ago.

The biggest problem among those people is that while they are racist, racist in attitude, intent and mindset, they resent being called racist. For them, there is some kind of self-defence mechanism which shields them from allowing themselves to be referred to in that way. Today we call that being in denial. The very same people are also able to easily disregard and diminish events such as the racist murder of a Polish man in Harlow or the murder of Jo Cox MP.

So blinded are they by their hatred that they have lost sight of reality, clinging to any twisted piece of journalism from fascist-owned newspapers in the hope that their sick fantasies might actually come true. An inability or unwillingness to distinguish between British government and EU legislation, ably blurred by their Fascist leaders and supportive media to suit their purpose is common across the range of right-wing extremists and those peripheral rent-a-mob demonstrators, anarchists and rebels without a cause. They have a tendency also to elevate the buffoon, Johnson, to Churchill-like status without having any idea of that man's disgraceful military and political record prior to and during WW2.

If they really believed in all the garbage spouted about immigration and how the UK will benefit enormously from divorcing itself from Europe, then they would call for a ban on foreign managers and foreign players from EU countries stealing jobs from British workers. They won't though, will they?

don't even think that pile of garbage deserves any comment
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Esteemed Pedelecer
OG, it's clear then that, in terms of our canine friends, we don't exactly meet any kind of thoroughbred criteria. We're a mongrel race!

Of course, most other nations are similar in that regard, the main difference being that most others don't consider themselves superior to everyone else.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
So, a racist incident is any incident that is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person that is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person

So..... any incident, your post is an "incident" That's the part of the definition satisfied.

I perceive your post and you to be racist, and I am any other person.

The definition is therefore satisfied. MODERATOR, MODERATOR remove D8ve from the playground.

This just illustrates how ridiculous and dangerous you are. I have said it before and I will repeat it again, you and fools like old tom devalue the term racism. It should be reserved for racism when it occurs. Not used as a last ditch junk effort to shut people up when your perverted views have blown up in your face and covered it in egg. You are a child.
Great post tillson, it's good to see you are still committed to the "winning hearts and minds" campaign.
Attila the Hun would be so proud that someone his equal as a diplomat is alive today.
Well done, keep up the "good" work, you are an example to us all.
Not a "Good" example of course, nevertheless an inspirational one.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
OG, it's clear then that, in terms of our canine friends, we don't exactly meet any kind of thoroughbred criteria. We're a mongrel race!

Of course, most other nations are similar in that regard, the main difference being that most others don't consider themselves superior to everyone else.

Many other nations have had delusions of superiority in the past Tom, the difference is that cruel reality made them Grow up, and too many of us (by no means all, but too many) are nowhere near having a mature attitude in that regard.
Even worse, more here in the UK are motivated by fear than delusions of Grandeur, they are afraid someone might take their toys away or cause them to have to contribute to anyone else's well being.
That is why UKIP is attractive to them.
The syndrome is known as being motivated by mankind's purest emotion.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Many other nations have had delusions of superiority in the past Tom, the difference is that cruel reality made them Grow up, and too many of us (by no means all, but too many) are nowhere near having a mature attitude in that regard.
Even worse, more here in the UK are motivated by fear than delusions of Grandeur, they are afraid someone might take their toys away or cause them to have to contribute to anyone else's well being.
That is why UKIP is attractive to them.
The syndrome is known as being motivated by mankind's purest emotion.
That fits nicely with the words of this man:

“The point is, there is no feasible excuse for what we are, for what we have made of ourselves. We have chosen to put profits before people, money before morality, dividends before decency, fanaticism before fairness, and our own trivial comforts before the unspeakable agonies of others”

Iain Banks

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
That fits nicely with the words of this man:

“The point is, there is no feasible excuse for what are, for what we have made of ourselves. We have chosen to put profits before people, money before morality, dividends before decency, fanaticism before fairness, and our own trivial comforts before the unspeakable agonies of others”

Iain Banks

Very true!

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