I'm old enough Mal to remember when there was some decent football played north of the border. Sadly, the parochial nature of Scottish football and the domination by two teams meant that no progress was made over several decades, indeed the game went backwards while the FA in England and wealthy individuals there decided they needed to attract investment in order to compete on the bigger stage beyond domestic competition.Scotland will happily settle for just making another World Cup, I am starting to forget the last time, nineties rightsure we always went home after the opening stages but it's good to be there, our game just isn't producing the talent and the people running it are clueless on how to improve things.
That seems to have been lost on those who control Scottish football but the whole mentality is so inward-looking that even when the debacle occurred at Ibrox, instead of looking to find a way of producing some changes, bringing about meaningful improvement to the game in general, a great many of the clubs decided to indulge instead in a brutal and prolonged exercise in 'kicking a man when he is down'.
Unfortunately, the gap between the standard of football in the two nations has now become a chasm and that seems unlikely to change so I cannot envisage any more world cups for the 'tartan army' to attend. Perhaps someone will discover a magic tree just like Mrs Maybe and invest to the tune of many millions in Aberdeen, Hearts or Hibs, for example. That might shake things up a bit. Rangers had their chance to do something when they were relegated to the lowest tier of the Scottish League. They could have embarked on a 10-15 year plan by applying to join at the lowest level of the Football League in England, with a view to reaching and competing in the Premier League. and perhaps beyond.
Rangers chose, however, to take on, unambitiously, what may turn out be an equally long-term challenge just in order to become a big fish again in a small pond.
Sad times for football fans in Scotland, I'm afraid.
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