Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
"Among measures affected was 2.5 billion euros for bolstering EU frontier controls to deal with the migrant crisis in the Mediterranean and 1.4 billion euros to tackle the "root causes" of migration in poor nations -- a policy Britain strongly backs.

Further spending on youth employment initiatives, student exchanges and scientific research were also hit."

What more can I say...
You could add the present Government of the UK are a bunch of imbeciles if this is how they imagine negotiations take place.
Talk about bite off your nose to spite your face!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Your mate Tony Blair has spades !!!

BTW the word Gray was searching for is
kaputilist..Its brilliant...everything is kaput..ja ?? For you my friend ze war ist over...
Kaputilist...OG you,ve started the revolution..
I see, Vote Brexit like all the other Kaputilists!
After all the term can only refer to people who give up, like those who want to give up EU membership because like children they object and take their ball home when the grown ups won't always give in to their tantrums and demands, and insist they play by the rules everyone else does.

Doesn't it just sing? What a great idea you have there!
The UK , once Great Britain, now Little England, the land of the Kaputilists
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Some news of interest from the Real Planet Earth
Jean-Claude Juncker calls Theresa May 'deluded' after disastrous Brexit talks

Apparently the "Brexit Dinner" actually went much as expected and May made a total pigs ear of it as usual,
But naturally she had this to say
"in order to get the best deal for Britain we need to ensure we've got strong and stable leadership going into these negotiations.
"As I say, every vote for me and my team will strengthen my hand in those negotiations. "
Perhaps she is about to resign?

Then perhaps we might actually get strong and stable leadership , as she certainly can't provide it
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Today's Fake News form the Telegraph
Revealed: How EU has been secretly plotting to block Theresa May over EU migrants for weeks"

No plot, they told her how things were going to be negotiated, in what order and how long they might take.
Obviously we are going to get this sort of lying every day from now on in the Press.
Best of all "Senior Tory sources accused the European Commission of “spin” in way the account was briefed. "
Meaning that some rotten devil let the cat out of the bag! :cool:
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Well, it seems all my fears about another major war coming about through 'Brexit' and/or our close alliance with the planet's most dangerous regime, the USA, were groundless.

This latest news item about the American missile defence programme, now operational on Korean soil, has put to bed any fears I had about the lunatic in charge of the NK government.

That really is great news and we need worry no longer - it's good to know the US is looking after us and without us even having to ask.

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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
can't say that I am surprised.
The tories will sell the family's silvers if they get a majority.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
So basically, the choices are this:

Errr no thank you.

Or this:

Equally ghastly.

Turds have a tendency to float and they are certainly surfacing at the moment.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
So basically, the choices are this:

Errr no thank you.

Or this:

Equally ghastly.

Turds have a tendency to float and they are certainly surfacing at the moment.
'Ere Guv....wotcher gunna do then....(Sniff)

Now perhaps is a good time to remind you that I said the best plan was to lock up the Houses of Parliament, sell it off for flats and not bother with having a Government and see if anyone notices any difference.
If the public do, then have a lottery and those with a winning ticket get to be an MP for one period only after which they have to go back home and face the public acclain they are sure to have earned during their term of office.

Has anyone else an equally imaginative plan for running the country to offer?
All contributions welcome.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
'Ere Guv....wotcher gunna do then....(Sniff)
we have to reverse the tories' majority, forcing a simple coalition or a grand coalition. I much prefer a grand coalition but I think they will kill one another around the cabinet table.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
we have to reverse the tories' majority, forcing a simple coalition or a grand coalition. I much prefer a grand coalition but I think they will kill one another around the cabinet table.
I must say that is an exquisite thought but I really can't see so beneficial an outcome, as it would really be like a bunch of Drunks fighting to the death in inflatable Sumo suits, armed with sticks of Rhubarb.

Still it would make for Great PMQ's on TV :D
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
From the Telegraph
Germany 'interfering in General Election in attempt to undermine Theresa May'
Germany has been accused by allies of Theresa May of trying to influence the General Election by undermining the Prime Minister over Brexit talks.

Allies of Mrs May believe Germany, in tandem with the EU, is embarking on a new “project fear” by repeatedly briefing against her.

So now any truthful report is regarded as "interfering in the election?"
Well that's new spin I must say, but it does show just how low these Brexit politicians will stoop with their propaganda lies about the EU.
And an election that gave a strong mandate in Greece didn't make a Tinker's cuss of difference there, did it?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
In the Mirror this morning regarding a Sun Journailist
Kelvin MacKenzie: 'My ideal headline would be "Jeremy Corbyn knifed to death by asylum seeker"'
A Labour source said the columnist's "disgusting language incites violence" after he reportedly called it "the fake news headline that would give this country the most joy" - only to retract the remark later

We are obviously heading for the worst and most poisonous media cover of an election in history.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
In the Mirror this morning regarding a Sun Journailist
Kelvin MacKenzie: 'My ideal headline would be "Jeremy Corbyn knifed to death by asylum seeker"'
A Labour source said the columnist's "disgusting language incites violence" after he reportedly called it "the fake news headline that would give this country the most joy" - only to retract the remark later

We are obviously heading for the worst and most poisonous media cover of an election in history.
It gets incrementally worse with each election. The whole of Westminster are responsible for fermenting the nastiness we are seeing. UK politics has become a sickness which needs curing via surgical intervention.


Sep 29, 2007
It gets incrementally worse with each election. The whole of Westminster are responsible for fermenting the nastiness we are seeing. UK politics has become a sickness which needs curing via surgical intervention.
Tillson - although I disagree with you about Brexit, I am with you all the way on this. I don't think that I have felt so disillusioned since the election of Margaret Thatcher in 1979. Oddly, I think I have just 'got' what Jeremy Corbyn is about. Here we have someone who generally turns the other cheek to personal insults, does not insult or name call other politicians & aims to redress the balance regarding those less well off by asking (making) those who can afford it to make a bigger contribution to social & healthcare. All in my view a very sensible policy. Added to this, you've got someone who states that he would not push the nuclear button (which suggests a level of sanity) & is forgiving of those that err from the path (Diane Abbott). Oh...and on top of this he seems genuinely relaxed in the company of children & has the inititials "JC".

Interesting, then that he is vilified by the popular press & it seems is now being proposed by Kelvin McKenzie for the modern equivalent of crucifiction.

The last comment aside, which I would have liked to have frivolous but isn't...It says something about our society that someone who seems to genuinely wants a better society is attacked in the personal way that he is.
My last comment is that I have yet to see any real questioning about TM's safe and stable leadership- the flipside of which is rigid and inflexible.

Maybe as OldTom is time for a revolution.
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