Oh, look the NFU... the voice of farmers, they must be experts on farming.
yesterday expressing major concerns about labour shortages.
As many "leavers" don't seem to want to acknowlegde... WE NEED THIS MIGRANT LABOUR!!
Farmers have warned that food will “rot in the fields” and Britain will be unable to produce what it eats if the government cannot guarantee that growers will continue to have access to tens of thousands of EU workers after Brexit.
Meurig Raymond, president of the National Farmers’ Union, told the body’s annual conference in Birmingham that farmers and food processors, particularly in horticulture and poultry, were already having difficulty recruiting.
The value of the pound, which reduces the value of pay seasonal workers send home to EU countries, and uncertainty over longer-term UK residency rights are discouraging workers from eastern Europe. High levels of employment in countries such as Romania and Bulgaria are also squeezing the supply of workers.
Coming soon: turnips are the new kale
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The NFU said it needed government to help encourage workers from elsewhere to come to the UK to help with jobs like strawberry-picking and processing chicken
"High levels of employment in countries such as Romania and Bulgaria are also squeezing the supply of workers."...….
Hi KTM, that is a very interesting statement which if true validates the existence of the EU. These countries were basketcases a decade ago. What evidence have you for this assertion.