Brexit, for once some facts.


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
We keep hearing about the necessity of doing trade deals outside of the EU when we Brexit,we are so desperate to do these deals because of Brexit.
If we are so desperate then why are we Brexiting in the first place?
Brexit seems a reason that we have to throw out all our current friends and our values,to reach out to people and countries which otherwise we would wish to keep at arms length.
It now looks like Trump is facing a battle with his own judges over his executive order to ban Muslims,he will now realise that he is answerable to the law just like Theresa May had to accept over Article 50.
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Oct 25, 2006
His design was used in Vickers and Spandau. He came to Britain because USA didn't take up his designs.Had they done so both our and Germany,s machine gun capability would have been years behind. Maxim is regarded as father of machine guns.
And the army,s first machine guns were built by Maxim. Vickers altered designs to help production...The concept was identical.Without Maxim there would have been no Vickers machine gun( as it became to be known) Vickers turned firing mechanism over ,reduced weight,used cheaper materials where possible,and redesigned to help mass production. The Lewis and Browning had to appear before there were real changes in machine gun design.( ie blow back as opposed to recoil)
But you cannot say he sold the guns or designs to Germany, nor that his guns were used in WW1.

He took over Nordenfelt (Swedish), but they were legally prevented from making his gun design for 25 years. Then Maxim-Nordenfelt was taken over by Barrow Shipbuilding, then that company was taken over by Vickers who modified and refined the gun, all this long before WW1.

Hiram Maxim therefore had no connection whatsoever with the guns supplied for WW1, other than being the inventor of the original design in the previous century.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
And now I,ve started...
Ever the businessman...Maxim then went on to sell his design to the Russians. ( After selling his company to Vickers )They used his exact design from 1910 right upto start of 2nd world war. It did not have the mods Vickers incorporated, was heavier etc etc..but essentially his design supplied Russia, Germany and UK. The French used a whole raft of inferior guns and eventually took up the Vickers.

Its quite likely the Maxim ( in Russian guise) killed more than Vickers did..
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Yes you are correct, but the Kestrel was extensively copied by DB to make series of engines powering all ME 109s. I had a friend who worked on Merlin during war. He assured me you could remove DB 605 ( might have got numbers wrong , could be 650) and drop in a Merlin. A captured 109 was infact fiitted with a merlin. (DB perfected injection,RR stuck with carbs..and of course Miss Shillings orifice. Google it if you don't know what it is..) It was very clever.
Yes I do know about the orifice it was intended to prevent fuel starvation in a bunt

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Oct 25, 2006
And now I,ve started...
Ever the businessman...Maxim then went on to sell his design to the Russians. They used his exact design from 1910 right upto start of 2nd world war. It did not have the mods Vickers incorporated, was heavier etc etc..but essentially his design supplied Russia, Germany and UK. The French used a whole raft of inferior guns and eventually took up the Vickers.

Its quite likely the Maxim ( in Russian guise) killed more than Vickers did..
Exactly, his design. That doesn't mean he supplied the guns for WW!, they were supplied by Vickers, three times removed from Maxim's ownership.

From 1900 on Hiram Maxim was designing fairground rides which don't appear to have killed anyone, and before WW1 had turned to aircraft design until ill health killed him in 1916.

In my book it's wrong to blame designers, there's no compulsion on anyone to use anything. Any blame for usage and deaths falls upon the users who do the killing.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea

There are only two critical deals that we should have immediately after brexit, first with the EU (that's the must have) and the other with the USA. There is no reason to assume that either is going to be impossible. The fall back position with the EU is customs union that has never been excluded.
There is always a possibility that we will not be leaving if the EU manages to find adequate solutions to the following issues:

• How to maintain the free movement of people in a world where terrorism has the potential to strike in any place.

• How to sustain a community where fewer than half the members are net contributors.

• How to manage the economic growth of countries with a shared currency through a central bank when they are at different stages of their individual economic growth cycle.

• How to develop international trade agreements quickly, outside a largely stagnating collective EU economy.

Then, public opinion may change considerably to remaining in the EU.
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Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
I think Trump's executive order banning Muslims from the 7 Middle East countries is ill conceived,premature and possibly against the first amendment of the USA.
To affect those with dual nationality,those who are in-transit and break up returning family members without prior notice is cruel.
Trump is a dangerous and thoughtless man,do we really want this guy to have his control on the worlds largest nuclear arsenal?
I thought America was often described as the land of the free.
I have voted on the on-line petition saying that we don't want him here,there are 200,000 plus votes already so parliament have to discuss it.....that will hurt him that our royalty don't want him,he won't be able to play golf in front of the queen at Sandringham and Charles won't be able to bore the pants of him,hehe.
Tell Trump he can stick his trade deal we don't want anything to do with him.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Exactly, his design. That doesn't mean he supplied the guns for WW!, they were supplied by Vickers, three times removed from Maxim's ownership.

From 1900 on Hiram Maxim was designing fairground rides which don't appear to have killed anyone, and before WW1 had turned to aircraft design until ill health killed him in 1916.

In my book it's wrong to blame designers, there's no compulsion on anyone to use anything. Any blame for usage and deaths falls upon the users who do the killing.
I wasn't blaming anyone, its the folk doing the firing...or the governments making them fire.
The machine gun only became feasible with advances in metalurgy, greater accuracy in production engineering and advances in chemistry for both cartridge design and propellant. Singling any single area out in its production would be hypocritical. The point I was emphazing was with globalisation its quite possible to fight wars against foes using ones own weapons ( or almost identical to) or those of close allies. Its been this way at least since late 1800's....
Maxim is simply an example of such.
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Oct 25, 2006
Suggestions for adequate solutions to your following issues:

How to maintain the free movement of people in a world where terrorism has the potential to strike in any place.
A welcoming document issued on entry which for the first year requires the holder to update their address at the time of any move. Then re-registering their details at the end of each year for four more years. All able to be done online or with a phone call. Anyone picked up who is not compliant with these simple undemanding requirements to be deported as an illegal.

How to sustain a community where fewer than half the members are net contributors.
The number of contributors is less important than their relative wealth, but will be increased if the item below is introduced.

How to manage the economic growth of countries with a shared currency through a central bank when they are at different stages of their individual economic growth cycle.
A two part euro until greater comparability is achieved. This should produce greater growth enabling more to become contributors.

How to develop international trade agreements quickly, outside a largely stagnating collective EU economy.
I don't think the problem is necessarily as big as it's sometimes portrayed. For example, the multi-part approach used with Switzerland that has dealt with each trade type in turn with some 120 agreements is portrayed as taking seven years.

But that is misleading, as each stage was passed it was implemented, so there was a constant flow of increase in types of trade during the seven years and Switzerland has continued to trade successfully with the EU throughout.

Clearly that available way is much faster than trying to negotiate a single catch-all agreement for implementation at the end.

But given the complexities, international trade agreements can never be quick, unless one party is prepared to roll over and be stuffed by the other, as might be about to happen with us and the USA.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
In reply to your comments:

1. We don't deport many in the first place. If we have to check 350,000 additional residents a year, 1.5 millions for the full 4 year cycle, we need an awful lot more border agency staff and option out of the UN HR conventions.
2. Populous countries like China, India, Brazil etc are developing fast. Their consumption is going to sky-rocket very soon, leading to rapid inflation. The EU is not as rich as one would believe, it will get comparatively poorer in the future when its share of consumption diminishes. It can't carry on without structural deficit, therefore no chance to even contemplate a universal income for its citizen.
3. A two part Euro is like having green and red (non-convertible) dollars. Will it be acceptable to sovereign debt lenders? I don't think it would.

I don't think the problem is necessarily as big as it's sometimes portrayed. For example, the multi-part approach used with Switzerland that has dealt with each trade type in turn with some 120 agreements is portrayed as taking seven years.

But that is misleading, as each stage was passed it was implemented, so there was a constant flow of increase in types of trade during the seven years and Switzerland has continued to trade successfully with the EU throughout.

Clearly that available way is much faster that trying to negotiate a single catch-all agreement for implementation at the end.

But given the complexities, international trade agreements can never be quick, unless one party is prepared to roll over and be stuffed by the other, as might be about to happen with us and the USA.
Your same comment can apply to the forthcoming negotiation with the EU. There isn't anything to stop the EU to do even better with the UK than previously with Switzerland, Norway and Canada.

I believe the solutions to the EU's problems are even more difficult to find than brexit.
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Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
Controlling people movement must be so easy now....when I visit China,my passport is scanned at entry,when I check in/out hotels my passport is scanned,when I book a train ticket my passport is scanned,when I change money at a bank my passport is scanned,when I enter an exhibition my passport is scanned.....I am sure that some computer somewhere is logging my movements.....I have no problem with that,we could do the same here.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
it's not the technology, it's something we all cherish, that we do not expect to be asked to prove our identity in our normal daily life.


Oct 25, 2006
If we have to check 350,000 additional residents a year, 1.5 millions for the full 4 year cycle, we need an awful lot more border agency staff and option out of the UN HR conventions.
I didn't mean checking all, just sampling at most and perhaps not even that. Hence my remark of any picked up. We'll need huge increase in the Border Agency anyway if we want to truly control immigration. I don't see the requirement for an address offends UN human rights, if it did our census is in breach.

Populous countries like China, India, Brazil etc are developing fast. Their consumption is going to sky-rocket very soon, leading to rapid inflation.
This is historic, only India is really gaining, the other BRICs in economic trouble. One link, there's many more like it.

The EU is not as rich as one would believe, it will get comparatively poorer in the future when its share of consumption diminishes. It can't carry on without structural deficit, therefore no chance to even contemplate a universal income for its citizen.
All in good time, "Rome not built in a day" etc. As one of the World's largest entities it can never be an ignored force.

A two part Euro is like having green and red (non-convertible) dollars. Will it be acceptable to sovereign debt lenders? I don't think it would.
I don't think this problem need exist, the borrowing done by individual countries at their euro status. For borrowing from external countries by the European Bank there would have to be a different arrangement, possibly only at the superior euro level.

Your same comment can apply to the forthcoming negotiation with the EU. There isn't anything to stop the EU to do even better with the UK than previously with Switzerland, Norway and Canada.
True, as said, not a big problem as the Swiss negotiations show.

I believe the solutions to the EU's problems are even more difficult to find than brexit.
This has to be entirely opinion based of course, so little definitive can be said. I'm an optimist who believes the problems are soluble by such a big economic unit.

In summary, life ain't easy, most countries all around the world are struggling with big and often growing economic problems. These often include levels of international debt with near unsustainable levels of interest payments. The EU is far from alone in its problems, just part of a world in trouble.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
I don't see the requirement for an address offends UN human rights, if it did our census is in breach.
The onus is still on us to find a country that we can deport the person to and to ensure that his/her family is not split as a consequence. Furthermore, we have to provide a mean for him/her to support their family in the new country.

I don't think this problem need exist, the borrowing done by individual countries at their euro status. For borrowing from external countries by the European Bank there would have to be a different arrangement, possibly only at the superior euro level.
The ECB supports mutualisation of eurozone sovereign debts, either directly through insurance or indirectly for example by providing unlimited liquidity to Greek banks against dodgy greek government bonds. A two-tier Euro will not be acceptable to countries like Greece or the accession countries because their borrowing cost will rocket. Eurozone countries are 'bribed' into the Euro because of low borrowing cost in the first place.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
Suggestions for adequate solutions to your following issues:

A welcoming document issued on entry which for the first year requires the holder to update their address at the time of any move. Then re-registering their details at the end of each year for four more years. All able to be done online or with a phone call. Anyone picked up who is not compliant with these simple undemanding requirements to be deported as an illegal.
I live in the EU in a country called France. As an immigrant from outside the EU with status of Resident I have to carry at all times an ID card which must have my current address. Every time I move I have 8 days to update the card. In theory an out of date card can lead to expulsion. I have been living under those conditions for about 40 years with no negative impact on my health... :rolleyes: Now that the card is the same size as my bank card I am loving it! :)

If you want to fix the Euro get rid of corruption. Greece has had an economy for much longer than Germany if my history lessons taught me well. It is one of the most corrupt countries in Europe, ditto Italy and Spain. Then we have the Ireland and Luxembourg issue which are tax havens for the worlds multinational corporations. If you are incorporated the tax rate on earnings in the country you operate in should be the same for all companies or special deals for all not only the rich and powerful. When I am elected finance minister small companies will be in a lower tax bracket than large companies as it is with wage earners, the less you earn the less you pay. Or to look at it in another way, the harder you work the less you pay - ask any crafts-person working 60 hour weeks what they think of that deal.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I am really shocked by some of the stuff I have read today!

In the USA, some of these initiatives implemented by Donald Trump are absolutely outrageous. After this example, goodness only knows what will come next. He has really gone beyond the pale with this:

View attachment 17473

serious question, is he still in office? really?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
I live in the EU in a country called France. As an immigrant from outside the EU with status of Resident I have to carry at all times an ID card which must have my current address. Every time I move I have 8 days to update the card. In theory an out of date card can lead to expulsion. I have been living under those conditions for about 40 years with no negative impact on my health... :rolleyes: Now that the card is the same size as my bank card I am loving it! :)

If you want to fix the Euro get rid of corruption. Greece has had an economy for much longer than Germany if my history lessons taught me well. It is one of the most corrupt countries in Europe, ditto Italy and Spain. Then we have the Ireland and Luxembourg issue which are tax havens for the worlds multinational corporations. If you are incorporated the tax rate on earnings in the country you operate in should be the same for all companies or special deals for all not only the rich and powerful. When I am elected finance minister small companies will be in a lower tax bracket than large companies as it is with wage earners, the less you earn the less you pay. Or to look at it in another way, the harder you work the less you pay - ask any crafts-person working 60 hour weeks what they think of that deal.

We,ve disagreed a lot but totally agree with this post...
