But how is that getting into atmosphere from epoxy usage. You aren't supposed to spray it.. Yes, I get the leaching over years and years but the manufacturers will be having to collect any pollutants... And using prepreg (from fridges) or laying up manually will release almost zero. Yes, spraying might cause issues.. Think you are jumping to conclusions a bit. Cured epoxy is amazingly stable, uncured at room temp leaches next to nothing into atmosphere.??Bisphenol A - and others. Can affect thyroid among other systems.
Bisphenol A - Wikipedia
Think epoxy is getting a bad press from the very people who propogated its use a few years ago. The artists, tik tok and so called environmentalists.
That's why I asked about any figures you have for link you claim. It's fairly well documented water will eventually leach chemicals out of epoxy water tanks, more so when hot.. But polluting atmosphere???
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