Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Yes, they are the ones with higher Neanderthal content.

Tory brain: Me want, me take, Ugh.

Liberal brain: He wants, better give him or he take and hit me with big club.
Did this happen recently?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Other unmentioned aspect of all this is the sheer hypocrisy.
Years ago I was disciplined for describing a young man as
"that pleasant tall coloured lad".
A few moths ago some policeman was disciplined (I think sacked?) for saying "you must like curries" to an Asian chap. We, ve all experienced or at least witnessed the language police... What you can and can't say, without causing offence... Yet those in charge (including Boris, Rayner and others) simply see themselves as above it all. Say what they like with no regard.
Some Tory mp a few weeks ago made some bad joke about sending a letter bomb, Boris makes all his ridiculous statements and Rayner has her outburst. What happens. Nothing. I know for a fact in my Education days I, d have been shown door immediately for uttering half this stuff... Then down line these same people are putting forward anti discrimination ideas... Height of hypocrisy from both sides.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Yes, and it's been happening for millenia.
Denisovians are easier to identify - usually "Dennis" or "Denise".


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Latest wisdom from Priti Patel
""We've got to live with the virus, but ensure that all the protective measures are in place and that's absolutely virus"

As soon as I get a decrypt from the code room I'll comment on this
In the same interview
"Priti Patel told Marr that those with Covid are not as sick now as they were. That, with all respect to her, doesn’t offer much comfort to the 1,000 or so people who died from Covid last week "
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Agreed to a point. His letter box, rent boys and other such comments are totally indefensible... But nobody is defending them... He was out of order... As was Rayner, who to be fair came over far more aggressive, confrontational and it seemed said in seriousness. Johnson are along lines of Prince Philip... Out of order..silly.
And the point you miss is Boris is in power. Rayner isn't. Her attitude, along with many other Labour mps and anyone supporting such comments is exactly what's keeping Boris, Gove and Co in no 10.
Folk don't want the combative, fighting talk in power. It makes them appear radicalised. Boris just comes over daft, when we all know he is anything but.
I just don't understand why folk can't see the damage Rayner and such are doing, especially so in light of recent events.
Of course the two events are likely totally unrelated but the impression it leaves will never be subdued. How does Labour look in eyes of vast majority this week?
Explain the influence Farage had if you can
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
A "Denise" is causing a "Dennis" I know problems... She's accused him of Coercive Control. His trial date in Crown Court is next year, and he sounded very nervous when he revealed this matter to me, during a phone call last week. "I can't do prison", he said. He was in a bit of a dark place. I don't know Dennis all that well, but I’ve done a lot of business for many years with his very wealthy father, who is gradually handing over control to his arrogant and cocky spoilt brat son. I've only heard Dennis's side - he's 25, met a woman online (now 37), a single mum with two children. He was clear to her that marriage was never going to be on the cards... she moved into his big glitzy house, after leaving her kids in her mum's care. Denise had her own key and used his cars. There were a lot of free holidays, he bought her gifts; jewellery, she lived for free at his home and all was junky dory for 5 years... then he wanted out, asked her to leave, she was extremely angry but eventually left, and he was arrested the next day. She says there was no violence, apart from a push (which he denies), but claims he kept her from her kids. He had no contact with her children, didn't have a key to her home, and never met her mum or all her other relatives who she has as witnesses, describing him as "Controlling". Denise's mum is an ex-policewoman and has somehow managed to get the DVLA to change the registered owner of his BMW (one of several), that he let Denise use, to her name. He never gave that or any other car to her, by word or other contract, and has the receipt for it's purchase. The reason why it's at Crown Court, is because his lawyer said he would have a better chance in front of a jury, rather than three magistrates. He couldn’t hurt a fly, in my estimation (I've been wrong before), but he's big bald tattooed guy, looks intimidating. Dennis is more of an obsessive gym bunny than a hardman. Quite immature too. Dennis is no thicko, he has a Chemistry degree. I had no idea what on earth to say, other than advise he lose weight and look as weak as possible for his trial, also grow hair. I also didn’t like the sound of his lawyer, who has done nothing about the car, or explained very much to his client, leaving him unclear about what is actually happening. Dennis was in dark despair. Simply being accused of crimes like this, is bad enough. He hasn't told his dad.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I have been reading these exchanges over the last few days , and while I will not be commenting on individual UK persons, I think that Zlatans argument is the more reasonable. Calling all members of a political party by an offensive term is frankly hate speech. The only time one has licence to do so, is when they are a legally proscribed organisation.
Do I have to get a licence to tell the truth from the post office?

In the spirit of the thing I'll compromise
The possibility exists that some conservative Mp's are Not scum

Which makes it even less understandable that to a man/woman they made an international agreement to sign a binding international deal in bad faith , got elected on the basis of this lie, while concealing from the voters they were intending to tear it up

Come on now give me a suitable collective term to describe 638 MP's that decided to do that and rubbish the countries reputation world wide.
In their case it is simply fair comment
What else do you call a criminal gang that lied to the public in that way?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Mountbatten after been torpedoed during war, came to surface along side an ordinary seaman..
"funny how scum always rises to top*... Was seaman's retort...
Rayner must have been brought up on a different street to me. Misogynistic, homophobic????
Go on then, what in your view of the imputation of the seaman's retort?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Agreed, we can always justify the bad behaviour of those we support but see fault those we oppose. It's human nature.
Think we ought to rise above our base instincts and see faults and merits on all sides... Not doing is prejudiced.
Nobody is suggesting all Tories are perfect but like wise they aren't all scum either.

This really benefits the Labour cause??? I often think some Tory donor pays Labour to shoot itself in feet so often.
The bungs from "The friends of Israel" may help too


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Political parties are not civil servants ... Hate speech does not have to threaten.. And yes it is prejudice to castigate as undesirable any member of any group ,..without refering to their INDIVIDUAL behaviour.
Any politicsl group that doesn't expel this idiot deserves to be called worse then scum Raab is now seeking to make ministers above the law

Scum is far too flattering, I shall have to come up with something more appropriate
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
23andme says (about me):

You have more Neanderthal DNA than 85% of other customers.
I would find that liberating - licence to do whatever mad thing I wanted.

Did it turn up anything even more useful or interesting?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Go on then, what in your view of the imputation of the seaman's retort?
Humour... Taking situation into account both extradinary and acceptable.. But at Labour conference from deputy leader... Neither applicable.
Suspect this tale is one of our Urban myths.
I first heard this tale from an old chap in a pub 50 years ago... Read same story in a magazine claiming story to have come from Mountbatten himself.. I wonder how many seamen actually popped up next to Mountbatten... Must have been a few hundred..
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
Any politicsl group that doesn't expel this idiot deserves to be called worse then scum Raab is now seeking to make ministers above the law

Scum is far too flattering, I shall have to come up with something more appropriate
WIth any luck, even attempting to correct court judgements will be deemed contempt of court and the full force of that result in some time in a gaol.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
The Beach Bum is at it again

Jessica Simor QC

· 5h
@DominicRaab is generating another false narrative; that ‘foreign judges’ in Strasbourg rule over us - they don’t. Parliament decided how influential ECHR judgments should be and in the Human Rights Act provided that they should be persuasive but not binding.

But what's another lie to the "Don't call us Scum" Conservatives?
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