And for some odd reason you seem to think calling the electorate stupid is going to help?
All you are doing is polarising opinion and unfortunately for you, JA and Labour setting people against the very principles, policies and people you value.
I kerp telling you, it's exactly why Labour are in such a mess.. Tell people they are stupid then expect them to agree with ideas you put forward. That is the epitome of stupid and shows zero understanding of the most basic of human behaviours. You are simply reinforcing the negative aspects of labour you try to deny.
Its like OGS phoning Haaland up, tell him he, s stupid, knows nothing about football but will you play for us. He, d do what labour voters have done. Tell him to feck off and sign for somebody else.
Bet you were a nightmare to work with. Insult all your colleagues, tell them they are stupid and know nowt about "toilets" but by the way will you work over time.
Doesn't work like that OG.
No politician is ever going to gain votes or support by telling electorate they need to change or that they need "educating" or "they need to take our medicine" and then expect support.