It's my god given right to rant. Who gave you permission?
Being serious tho flecc, a delay is a delay, yep a week or so but this could happen every week on this weak evidence and its not just about delay, its about the loss of confidence in vaccines generally and AZ specifically.
French, Dutch and Germans already have a much more cynical approach than we do. This has made it worse... For nothing. No gain whatso ever. All negative and why?
For some reason they seem to lack our BRITISH enthusiasm to proudly go where no rational human being would be daft enough to.
Long ago I felt much the same way until this happened
I belonged to a Camera Class run by the headmaster of a local school and just before Christmas one year he decided to take a traditional photo of the group using a Gandolfi 10X8" plate Camera and coated glass plates, so week one we coated and dried a couple of plates and tried a shot , when developed the image was too faint, "No problem" he said I can get hold of a Flash powder gun, we'll have all the light we need in a traditional way .
Come the night fifteen of the group are perched on a bench posing, camera set up and image focused under the hood on the ground glass screen. "Here you are" he said handing me this strange contraption of a flash gun and a tin of flash powder. "You can't balls this up, all you have to do is put a scoop of the powder in the tray, wind up the clockwork in the handle, when you press the trigger it with turn that wheel against the lighter flint and lots of sparks will land on the tray and ignite the powder"
What could possibly go wrong? well we did a dummy run without powder and the clockwork operated as planned, plenty of sparks landing on the empty tray.
"Piece of cake!" said I
All set up, clockwork wound "Fire the flash " he ordered taking the cap off the lens.
I press the trigger, lot of spark but no flash
"The powder must have gone off in storage" he mused "put another scoop on."
I did , and again it failed.
"Let's give it one more try I said" hopefully adding another scoop of the powder

It worked
I felt a searing blast of heat and the world disappeared in a blinding flash
Totally blinded they led me to a seat and put a wet cloth on my head.
As I sat there feeling very much like someone who had been on the spot on that dreadful day in Hiroshima I could hear a lot of strange noises, including the sound of a fire engine in the distance getting rapidly nearer.
When I could see again and came out from under the cloth minus a patch of hair and the eyebrow on the side of my head nearest to the flashgun I was prudently (I thought) holding at arm's length it was to see our group with steps, and standing on desks cleaning a large blackened area of the ceiling above where I had triggered the flashgun.
Up until that point none of us had the slightest idea of the power of flash powder, which not only produces light and heat in abundance, but a truly amazing amount of soot.
My wife was downstairs in the Cookery class and was quite forthright about what I'd done saying " it's not the first time he's blown something up!"
And when Father heard about it he uttered those words of his I treasure to this day
"Nothing is foolproof to the talented fool"