I have you are making assumptions again I was referring to figures of Antibody retention levels, it actually refers to oGg levels on the chartsBecause as we keep saying the vaccine does not prevent infection(or assumed not to) and even after 2 doses if you have Co morbidity you still could die. No vaccine is perfect.
When it says 95% effective against hospitalisation it also means 5% ineffective. Those 5% are likely to be in high comobidity groups and hence could still expire.
Its same with figures from Scotland. The 80 plus year olds appear to have better response (80% fewer hospitalisation after single dose) than 65 Yr olds. (65%) But the 80 Yr olds were all vaccinated. They had only reached vulnerable groups in younger. Iv
Not only that telling us to continue to shield even after both injections does not demonstrate confidence, it demonstrates they realise there is a possible problem