And if they were the ugliest, the display on a mid 1960s voltmeter was the most beautiful. I acquired a Solatron ..,I think Voltmeter ,for 30 quid around 1978, it was huge . A full 19 inch rack job and weighted a couple of stone. ..all pre metric. It had its own reference chemical cell.. 1.01920V for internal calibration and had at least that amount of resolution. 6 or 7 digits!. But the display was magnificent. Each digit was formed from an array of optical fibres and formed a very clear fully formed figure. Eg the 7 had a curved spine, the 8 two fully rounded circles. It worked by having 10 bulbs ,one for each digit. So 70 bulbs in total. Each bulb had an individual collection of optical fibres and all these were brought together at the front panel. The effect was mesmerising as the digits would move forwards or backwards as the value ,and bulb changed.I think I read that magazine . I actually worked with nixie tubes ..and a slightly larger very ugly 7 segment display which had lengths of incandescent filment