Something we can agree on, well doneEXACTLY.
So I availed myself of the right.
Something we can agree on, well doneEXACTLY.
So I availed myself of the right.
That's weird because when the guys from Patriotic Prayer fact checked the debate, they found that everything that Trump said was 100% true and everything that Biden said was 100% false. To average out the bias, you can average out both sets of fact checkers results, which then shows Trump told a lot more truth than Biden. QED.I'm not sure if & where Trump's claim to be greatest President since Abraham Lincoln stands in the fact check - but US is again presented with a crossroads to choose wether to continue full steam ahead with the Orange one's fog horn blaring a litany of lies and deceptions, or to change to have a Caine Mutiny and get Biden in to restore a calmer normality back to leadership, and think of the last 4 years as a bad dream.
Fact check: Toned-down Trump continues his onslaught of falsehoods
Donald Trump's more sedate debate performance on Thursday night was a departure in tone from his chaotic performance weeks ago, but the President continued to cast his warped view of the world as
Orange corner
14 false
12 misleading
5 lack evidence
3 exaggerated
1 partly true
1 mostly true
1 true
Blue corner
2 true
1 exaggerated
1 false
•In their final debate, President Trump unleashed an unrelenting series of false, misleading and exaggerated statements as he sought to distort former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s record and positions and boost his own re-election hopes. The president once again relied heavily on well-worn talking points that have long been shown to be false.
•The president appeared determined to reinvent the reality of the last four years — and the history of the pandemic in 2020 — as he faces judgment on his actions in just 12 days. He once again falsely dismissed the Russia investigations as a “phony witch hunt.” He insisted that aside from Abraham Lincoln, “nobody has done more for the Black community,” an assertion that people in both parties find laughable. And he tried again to wish away the pandemic, saying “we are rounding the turn” even as daily cases of the virus this week topped 70,000 in the United States for the first time since July.
•The clash between Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump was contentious but more well-behaved than their first debate, with fewer interruptions. Mr. Biden made false statements, too: He falsely accused Mr. Trump of having “caused the deficit with China to go up,” and he exaggerated when he suggested that “red states” in the Midwest were having spikes in the virus. But Mr. Trump relied more on questionable and specious arguments about Mr. Biden’s family, Democratic policy positions and his own record, leading Mr. Biden to repeatedly express exasperation by saying, “C’mon, man!”
•A team of New York Times journalists fact-checked the debate, providing context and analysis.
"Patriotic prayer"??? Its not a different planet, it's a parallel universeThat's weird because when the guys from Patriotic Prayer fact checked the debate, they found that everything that Trump said was 100% true and everything that Biden said was 100% false. To average out the bias, you can average out both sets of fact checkers results, which then shows Trump told a lot more truth than Biden. QED.
he just winds you up.He may well have contributed the equivalent of the Encyclopedia Brittanica to the Forum, but his contribution to this particular thread amounts to a page torn out of Pravda.
That's weird because when the guys from Patriotic Prayer fact checked the debate,
You don't get it it, do you? Or are you just pretending?![]()
Patriot Prayer - Wikipedia
What a lovely bunch - which of the 19 core members right wing extremist loons stayed at school long enough to do the fact checking? Are they similar in beliefs and prejudices in anyway to TR's motley crew...
Tiers are proving useless already here in London.I see the TSIW has raised Boris’s 3 Tier COVID alert system by 2 and bid 5 Tiers. Boris should now smash her with a 7 Tier system, she’ll fold, I certain of it.
Seems extreme nationalists, racists and woo merchants are ironically part of a globalist movement...You don't get it it, do you? Or are you just pretending?
Did you not watch his video above? Some of the text messages in his phones are now in the public domain. They're very explicit. This is what Giuliani was saying about releasing some of the info at a time. It makes all the conspiracy theorists look stupid. Remember, he said the worst would be released 10 days before the election. We still have a few days to go yet.Bunker down from the expected Turnip tweet storm...
A Fox News reporter just debunked the latest smear effort
"I completed searching all of Tony Bobulinski's emails," she wrote on Twitter. "They establish: the "Chairman" is China; NO ROLE for Joe Biden in emails/docs; Tony Bobulinski states himself there are NO OTHER MEMBERS besides Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, Rob Walker, James Gillar, and Bobulinski."
Heinrich's tweet came shortly after the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday night that corporate records it reviewed showed "no role for Joe Biden" in any of SinoHawk's dealings.
And trolls, who know the tide has turned, here and in usa, and only have misantropic mocking (like the last few pages) leftSeems extreme nationalists, racists and woo merchants are ironically part of a globalist movement...
I really hope you are right, my worry is Trump is not going to play by the rules, he and many of his supporters will do anything to win. This piece by Jonathan Freedland provides some ideas of the kinds of things he may well get up to, and there are probably a whole lot more that Freedland hasn't thought of or would rather not put into a national newspaper.Trump will need more than a 2 to 1 win on the day to have any chance at all.