My daughter spends her working day in gloves. Gloves can be moistened with alcohol or bleach . The driver puts them on at home and periodically moistens them from a bleach wipe. It is not absolute but it reduces contamination by factors of hundreds. I , when As I have now, go to the shop, use my credit card and tap, then I wash it on return. The aim is to reduce the R number below 2 . R being the contact ratio . Unfortunately todays shop had a problem and I had to use the pin number, so the card and hand remained outside pockets etc until home and washed. My bread shop has a customer table at the door, so no one inside, and the assistant walks the 3 metres back to the bread supply. A similar setup in a small butchers in the village
Containment works, if there is limited arrogance. Yes I suppose it would be difficult to walk along Oxford St. while keeping 3 metres apart, but Wimbledon Common would be feasible. In my village, where Eastwards the nearest land is Blackpool , the amount of viruses will be small, and the density of walkers low as well