remain or soft brexit are the two most viable options:

According to the BBC's Brussels reporter Adam Fleming, the UK wants the backstop part of the Brexit deal "radically reduced" to include only the articles dealing with citizens rights, the single electricity market and the Common Travel Area.To be fair Mr Barnier said he had a six-hour meeting with UK negotiator David Frost. I can't see them talking about the weather for six hours. Barnier did say the talks were in a state of paralysis.
it's at least a concrete proposal.Our correspondent adds that the words being used on the EU side are "exasperating" and "disastrous".
And have you any evidence to the contrary when the EU say nothing is happening worthy of note?I take it you have some evidence of this?...….Thought not
A letter to Santa more's at least a concrete proposal.
We may get somewhere.
And have you any evidence to the contrary when the EU say nothing is happening worthy of note?
No you haven't have you? you are just wishing!
WE will have simply worked to ensure no deal is inevitable by the wording of our demands
I didn't make any claims that I had .And have you any evidence to the contrary when the EU say nothing is happening worthy of note?
No you haven't have you? you are just wishing!
Whereas many politicians close to the EU position have been very clear that nothing which could advance a Deal has been lodged. The amount of obstruction and obscuration and misleading information coming from senior Westminster figures and commentators is overwhelming. The latest information needing clarification is attributed to Mr Gove,which was to the effect that the UK would not be charging tariffs on imports from Ireland. The Irish understanding , as stated by Simon Covney is that the tariff would be waived in South North transactions on the Island of Ireland, but that tariffs would be required forWest East transactions. He finished this by saying he would be meeting Mr Gove tomorrow and would be interested to see had the British position changed.And have you any evidence to the contrary when the EU say nothing is happening worthy of note?
No you haven't have you? you are just wishing!
WE will have simply worked to ensure no deal is inevitable by the wording of our demands
YESIt was a joke as in "no deal is better than a bad deal" I thought we agreed if I put 3 laughing faces you would know.....did you forget?
I actually said thisI take it you have some evidence of this?...….Thought not
Actually your post has confirmed Boris lied again! he must have known May had tried this tactic and it failed, mustn't he?I would be wetting myself I'm sure he was after the vote in the HOC.
If I remember correctly the EU said the same sort of thing about Mrs May and she marched up to him and he denied it. I don't believe any of them on either side.
Forgotten something, Michel? Barnier red-faced after awkward no deal footage emerges
MICHEL BARNIER appears to have misspoken when he claimed that Theresa May never threatened Brussels with a no deal Brexit, as footage has emerged of the EU’s chief negotiator nervously relating exactly such an occasion at an EU Brexit meeting last year.
Really, is that in your considered and extensive personal experience?liar