woo hold on there Tex.. I don't recall backpedaling on the HSE statement?
Ok i accept that was rantish, but was solely based on my own experience and not something seen/heard elsewhere clarified by a 2nd personal account... I strongly believe it was a relevant analogy to shake the pot with.
However it was only a reference point for me to join the debate and a further 20 questions to clarify the use of common sense within these new restrictions was not a relevant point... That said the people needing clarity on common sense questions which would only confuse children for the briefest of moments! Well they would probably need instruction on climbing a set of stairs to accompany the 3 points of contact rule!
we are back at my first case in point. The people behind the desks can't/won't/don't think outside their tiny, little, box!
I didn't have a gripe with the GM food, tbh i'm errr, 'Meh' about it!
It's that our peers are being so arrogant as to refuse a trade deal with that as their excuse... " yea ok, we will import it, but..."
US was our largest trading partner (last time i checked) it should have never got to this point, "sod it we'll just make do for now and sort it out after we slam that door!"...
Bit late phoning home to find out ya parents have turned your old room into a sex den! #ohfudge
That's potentially excusable but they wont let us (the people) decide if we want to pick it up off a shelf or not. Basic honest to goodness 'Free choice' isn't there a name for a regime like that?
Or look at it another way, we've been brown nosing USA long enough... May as well lube up, get hazed and join the club! bffs
New isn't always better:
Valves are still prefered over modern tech for certain applications. Mag reel backups, LP's aren't going anywhere (but wtf is a Philips CDI? ) ...
Old isn't always perfect either, Think of all those criminals! Compo claims for pulling their back out after a night stealing those crt tv's)...
When not even the people that call themselves leaders, can suck it it for 5 mins and agree the only thing you can make with lemons is F'in lemonade, what is the point of freaking... just cross ya fingers, wait for the dust to settle!
Either that or make sure you're 100% off grid by the time the door hits us in the ass! Haha