I have no reference to a quotation that at the time of the Scottish Referendum,that Spain would VETO any application by Scotland.. indeed the BBC website in November 2013, indicated that the Spanish PM was insisting that Scotland would have to be independent before the decision to be admit it could be entertained. .. Again a very proper course of action.That’s not true though is it Dan.
Spain said categorically they would veto them. At best Scotland would have had to wait at least 12 years to become full members.
So wrong on that one there old bean.
But since a withdrawal agreement from the UK would take time to be actioned, the same time could be used for preparing the accession of the new or continuing member state. That is very far from and the very antithesis of a VETO.
So no .. , and even more pertinent, current reports regarding Spain and reported in current newspapers,
I await a correction.