Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
If you had said if the Libdems get more votes than the Brexit party then that's a vote for remain I might have taken you more seriously ..Now you want to count all the other parties in your calculations....What about the ones who abstain? would you like to count them as well ? As I said before many voters would not vote for another party no matter what, If voting conservative was voting remain why has Michael Heseltine said he will change the habit of a lifetime and vote Libdems?
And got whip suspended from the tory party for so doing.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 1, 2018
North Wales
As you know I’m no fan of Farage or Tony Robinson, but I really dislike these types of assaults
I agree I don't like this type of thing either. Regarding the far left being responsible, I would not be surprised. I don't like the far left or the far right, extremists from both sides of the political divide are dangerous. I was really hoping Change UK would have started something good in politics, something middle of the road. Something in the centre ground of politics but it looks like they are going to disappear without a trace.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
I agree I don't like this type of thing either. Regarding the far left being responsible, I would not be surprised. I don't like the far left or the far right, extremists from both sides of the political divide are dangerous. I was really hoping Change UK would have started something good in politics, something middle of the road. Something in the centre ground of politics but it looks like they are going to disappear without a trace.
I agree throwing milk shakes over politicians shouldn't be applauded but lets keep it in perspective. Banks has entertained Farage in a manner that would suit a prince over last couple of years, a carton of milkshake over his head is a small price to pay. As for this sort of thing being only left wingers, I, m not so sure. Didnt two jags get egg splattered by a right whinger.
Throwing eggs and milk shakes is a damn site better than setting stuff on fire or actually assaulting people.
I can assure you many people have far worse over them in course of tbeir jobs with no action at all against the throwers.


Oct 25, 2006
Closing down free speech is definitely a left wing trait.
So Jo Cox wasn't murdered by a far right sympathiser?

And Oswald Mosely's nazi thugs didn't beat up people who disagreed with them?

Hitler and Stalin were misunderstood?

Come on, shutting down free speech, if necessary by killing, is equally the aim of both far right and far left. It goes with all extremism.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Nigel Farage and Vince Cable will go head to head: 9am on Wednesday, live streaming on the Telegraph.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
how voters of the two major parties in 2017 are going to vote this Thursday:

2017 Labour:
14% BXP, 35% Labour, 21% LibDems, 16% Green, 6% CHUK, 2% UKIP
2017 Conservative
62% BXP, 20% conservative, 6% LibDems, 4% CHUK, 3% UKIP, 2% Green


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
As you know I’m no fan of Farage or Tony Robinson, but I really dislike these types of assaults which are almost exclusively carried out by left wing scum. It’s rare that you will find Farage’s or Robinson’s followers resorting to assault on public figures in order to try and silence them.

Closing down free speech is definitely a left wing trait. They use s variety of methods ranging from physical assault to accusations of racism in order to try and stop people talking about things they disagree with. It’s a vile and dangerous path and it’s one which you should be condemning.
Interesting that you have judged the perpetrators as "left wing"
Actually you don't know that, you are prejudging to suit your personal prejudice, aren't you?
And how conveniently the press fills in the detail to confirm your prejudice too!
Do you really think Farage and Robinson represent free speech?
Both of them are busily trying to reinvent themselves after a very dodgy right wing history.
As to closing down free speech you need look no further than the right wing press calling Remain inclined MP's and members of the judiciary enemies of the people.
If you look back into our history politicians have always run the risk of being pelted with vegetables and worse when they are unpopular.
I agree it shouldn't happen, but it long precedes the notion of "left" or right.

As to it's purpose, it isn't intended to silence free speech so much as to make the victim the subject of ridicule when people see them making a name for themselves misusing the the media and they have no other means of expression.

If we are lucky it won't get any more serious than this, but we warned of trouble on here right from the start, you simply can't go ahead with something so divisive as Brexit , ignoring at least half , probably more of the population not accepting the idea without hotheads reacting.
So far it has been a few wannabee idiots, your trying to blame a single faction is too simplistic, and will only make matters worse.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I thought it was a raspberry. :p
You can get one of those for Normal £1.59 or large £1.89
Which rather indicates that this attack with a £5.25 Five Guys banana and salted caramel milkshake at Farage.
Was a spontaneous reaction not premeditated
Who would waste that much money when they could have paid much less ?

And it looks like any Mc Donalds branch near a Brexit rally is going to suffer loss of trade
"Last week, police apparently ordered a McDonald’s outlet near a Brexit Party campaign rally in Edinburgh to stop selling milkshakes and ice cream, the restaurant’s staff have said. "

A rather extreme reaction when the milk shake in question was bought from an outfit called "Five guys"
A better plan would be to route any Brexit Company rally away from food sales outlets.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
how voters of the two major parties in 2017 are going to vote this Thursday:

2017 Labour:
14% BXP, 35% Labour, 21% LibDems, 16% Green, 6% CHUK, 2% UKIP
2017 Conservative
62% BXP, 20% conservative, 6% LibDems, 4% CHUK, 3% UKIP, 2% Green
Is that England? Lack of PC and SNP, etc., seems to indicate that.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
Which rather indicates that this attack with a £5.25 Five Guys banana and salted caramel milkshake at Farage.
Was a spontaneous reaction not premeditated
Who would waste that much money when they could have paid much less ?
Perhaps selected for its special stickiness which would adhere to Savile Row suit material especially well and thickness which would show up well on video? :)


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
How Farage builds the BXP:


“If I was starting Ukip today,” Farage told the political scientists Matthew Goodwin and Caitlin Milazzo around that time, “would I spend 20 years speaking to people in village halls or would I base it on the Grillo model? I know exactly what I would do.” Farage and his colleagues in the Brexitmovement had been converted.
Like Farage, Bilney believed there was an opening for a British party to do the same. “Issue: there is not currently any party in the UK with any true internet presence,” her report begins. To emulate Five Star, she placed online engagement at the heart of Leave.EU’s campaign. Instead of a target audience passively absorbing a message from party leaders, followers were made to feel they were part of a conversation and a movement – a strategy often used by brands, too. As Bilney put it, the goal was to “upgrade” a follower to a paying “supporter” through staying in touch regularly, hitting them with varied, dynamic content and keeping them engaged.

“We’ve taken learnings from business, because if you look at insurance, you want people to renew their policies,” Bilney said. “And I would apply that same principle with an organisation or a party … you wouldn’t want the members to drop off. But if you don’t talk to your members, and you don’t engage your members, they drop off.”

As Banks watched Leave.EU grow, he believed it could be more than a one-off campaign. He wanted to turn it into a long-term movement, like Five Star. A few months before the referendum, he emailed Farage to suggest Farage “subtly delink” from Ukip “and we will start building Leave.EU”. He even offered to put up £10m “to develop a popular political movement along the lines of Beppe Grillo’s incredibly successful Five Star Movement in Italy”, he writes in his book The Bad Boys of Brexit. Banks also had a new website built for Leave.EU that would replicate some of the features of Five Star’s Rousseau.

But Farage decided to bide his time. Given that the new prime minister, Theresa May, had promised to deliver Brexit, it seemed sensible to wait. Any new movement could be born out of the ashes of a failed deal, Alexandra Phillips, the Brexit party candidate, said – and Farage could portray himself as coming to the rescue to save Brexit.

“Nigel would say that the market has to be right for us,” Banks told me. “It’s the equivalent of trying to start a fire in a wet forest. But now the forest is tinder dry.”
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 2, 2019
Very sad news today that Oxford University will be lowering its standards and admitting sub-standard students in order meet some kind of perverse ideology.

Students from poor backgrounds have always been able to gain access to top universities with plenty of hard work. It seems like the crazy idiot woman vice chancellor would like to remove the hard work elements.

Let’s stand back and watch as one more of the few high ranking U.K. institutions slide down the global scale.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Is that England? Lack of PC and SNP, etc., seems to indicate that.
these numbers come from the Telegraph. They are voting intentions of those who voted for the two respective parties in 2017 for all UK.
I use them to estimate the tally for brexiters versus remainers in the EP 2019 election, treating as it were a second EU referendum. On that basis, if there is a second referendum, remain would win at around 55/45, may be even higher.
I still don't think that WTO brexit or cancelling A50 is best for the UK.
Voters need time to get informed. One thing Farage who was computer illiterate back in 2015 is right about: he builds his party with a web company that he owns..
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 4, 2016
A rather extreme reaction when the milk shake in question was bought from an outfit called "Five guys"
A better plan would be to route any Brexit Company rally away from food sales outlets.
This wasn't a party rally as normally understood, it was inside Edinburgh Corn Exchange with admission charged at £2.50.

McDonald's is just round the corner, Five Guys is 20 minutes away.
