Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
he still tries to wind you up.
I know, no one can take him seriously, after all who could be daft enough to fall for the likes of Tommy Roberts?
I wonder what motivation he actually has for coming on here attempting to monopolise and disrupt the thread?
Is he a sore "winner" or sore "loser" over Brino?
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Oct 25, 2006
Well south west of London thank Christ. Why doesn't he try somewhere like say Southampton with it's high percentage of Asians and wave the flag there.

Seriously though vf you're completely out of touch with reality I'm afraid. let's take where I live for example, I'm right on the coast in fact I can look out of my window and see the ships, great place to live.
Close by I have a couple of really nice neighbours, Ahmed a Muslim from Bangladesh (fasting at the moment) and my great pal Piotr from southern Poland and one of the funniest characters I've ever met, a really nice chap.
Just up the road there's a new family just moved in, Muslim actually, lady wears a Burka and judging by the string of Range Rovers & BMW's parked in their drive I'd say money is not lacking.
Then there's the new private estate close by, I'd estimate 3 out of every 4 homes there are owned by people of non-british ethnic origin. also from what I can make out everyone appears to be involved in business, restaurant owners etc. Are you getting the picture? I'm surrounded by foreign wealth and frankly I don't give a toss where they come from or what their religion is...not one bit. I should say also I'm financially secure myself with two homes so I fit in very nicely around here, lucky me.
So what's my message here ? well if Tommy Robinson came here (which he won't) what would he find ?
He would find everything he despises, people from all Religions & faiths all getting on with no agro whatsoever.
If he walked through one of the shopping centres here in town sprouting his nonsense people would wonder who the hell he was, seriously he would be barking up the wrong tree. I'm joking about milkshakes being thrown, no one would take a blind bit of notice what he said. That is the reality of where I live and where I come from, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon...who ?
Indeed, just like my home area. My immediate neighbours on both sides are black of West Indian origins, all four and their friends lovely people, we're the best of friends and I wouldn't swap them for anyone. All round me on my estate we have a vast range of differing peoples and we all get on fine together. It's a London Borough and in London we have the peoples of all three hundred main countries in the world, speaking their three hundred languages as well as English.

There are some pockets of racism left in London, but they are a small minority, yesterday's people with no place for them in this world any more.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 12, 2011
Well south west of London thank Christ. Why doesn't he try somewhere like say Southampton with it's high percentage of Asians and wave the flag there.

Seriously though vf you're completely out of touch with reality I'm afraid. let's take where I live for example, I'm right on the coast in fact I can look out of my window and see the ships, great place to live.
Close by I have a couple of really nice neighbours, Ahmed a Muslim from Bangladesh (fasting at the moment) and my great pal Piotr from southern Poland and one of the funniest characters I've ever met, a really nice chap.
Just up the road there's a new family just moved in, Muslim actually, lady wears a Burka and judging by the string of Range Rovers & BMW's parked in their drive I'd say money is not lacking.
Then there's the new private estate close by, I'd estimate 3 out of every 4 homes there are owned by people of non-british ethnic origin. also from what I can make out everyone appears to be involved in business, restaurant owners etc. Are you getting the picture? I'm surrounded by foreign wealth and frankly I don't give a toss where they come from or what their religion is...not one bit. I should say also I'm financially secure myself with two homes so I fit in very nicely around here, lucky me.
So what's my message here ? well if Tommy Robinson came here (which he won't) what would he find ?
He would find everything he despises, people from all Religions & faiths all getting on with no agro whatsoever.
If he walked through one of the shopping centres here in town sprouting his nonsense people would wonder who the hell he was, seriously he would be barking up the wrong tree. I'm joking about milkshakes being thrown, no one would take a blind bit of notice what he said. That is the reality of where I live and where I come from, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon...who ?
You're very lucky. I just went to Bradford to pick up a new motorbike. I've never before experienced anything like it in this country. You should go there for a visit to see what I mean. Words can't really describe it. I just googled it tosee if I could find a photo of a typical street and discovered that Yougov lists it as the most dangerous city in the UK.

My first job was on the nightshift working plastic moulding machines in a factory near Basildon. I was the only white ethnic guy on the shift. All the others were Pakistani. Only the foreman could speak English. I loved those guys and did everything I could to help them. Tommy Robinson would have done the same.

In Wellington, Shropshire there are 1000 Pakistani male adult residents according to the 2016 national census. Currently, there are 200 of them under investigation for grooming and raping under-age girls. That's not an occasional bad guy. It's 1 in 5. How many others were involved that the police don't know about to have them under investigation? Imagine 1 in 5 guys in your street being under investigation for grooming! They reckon more than 1000 victims, and they believe that some of them were killed, as they disappeared without trace. TR was one of the few voices that called this out back in 2009. It went on for another 9 years before anybody did anything. It's not just Wellington. 1400 victims in Rotherham. Then there's Rochdale, Huddersfield, Bristol, Peterborough, Newcastle (700 victims), Oldham, and many more. This is not political spin. It's documented fact. You can Google it yourself to confirm that. If your daughter had lived in one of those towns, she might have been or become a victim. When TR could see it happening to his friends and neighbours families, he called it out, and for that he's been made into an enemy of the state.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 12, 2011
I know, no one can take him seriously, after all who could be daft enough to fall for the likes of Tommy Roberts?
I wonder what motivation he actually has for coming on here attempting to monopolise and disrupt the thread?
Is he a sore "winner" or sore "loser" over Brino?
Tommy Robinson is standing for MEP on a manifesto of getting UK out of Europe, i.e. he's a Brexit politician. He's extremely popular and there's a fair chance that he'll win his seat. I've met many politicians. I took an immediate dislike to all of them as soon as they opened their mouths and started spouting their spineless crap. When I met TR, I found an honest person that speaks the truth. That's why I started following him. It makes him a very dangerous person as far as the dishonest establishment politicians and press are concerned. That's why they try to discredit him.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
I know, no one can take him seriously, after all who could be daft enough to fall for the likes of Tommy Roberts?
I wonder what motivation he actually has for coming on here attempting to monopolise and disrupt the thread?
Is he a sore "winner" or sore "loser" over Brino?
I think he does not want to talk about brexit because we tend to go over the subject in minutiae.
TR is a good diversion, he is supposed to campaign for brexit but actually, he campaigns for himself, atlanticism and people's rebellion.
Take the bit of filming in front of the Court House. That netted him something like £20k-£30k on the day from his online collection box. Not a bad pay for a few hours of work.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
That's why they try to discredit him.
who tries to discredit him? give examples if you like.
TR is a more physical and rougher version of Steve Bannon. They see many opportunities in exploiting anger.
it's that simple.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
Police investigating Ukip candidate for Jess Phillips rape comments
European election candidate Carl Benjamin has added to original comments on YouTube
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 12, 2011
That netted him something like £20k-£30k on the day from his online collection box. Not a bad pay for a few hours of work.
You know that he's promised to donate his entire MEP salary to charity? That doesn't sound like he's in it for the money. How much do you think his bodyguards cost? What about that 50 ft screen and his tour bus? How much does it cost to print 3.5 million glossy leaflets? I don't think that £30K would go far.

So far, I've given him more than £500 of my own money for his campaign. How much do you believe in your politicians that you would do the same? I do it because I know that he's an honest guy and that he will spend the money wisely. Even if he didn't, I'd still be happy to give him the money for a good night out. The guy deserves a break for everything that's happened to him and the way he's been treated.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 12, 2011
who tries to discredit him? give examples if you like.
Are you serious? Did you not watch Panodrama? Skip to 27:00 to see how Panarama and their associates tried to blackmail some guys to dish up some dirt on TR and paid a reporter £5000 to produce an article that they were going to twist into sexual misconduct to discredit him, then skip to 57:50 to get the summary if you haven't got time to see the whole thing.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
So far, I've given him more than £500 of my own money for his campaign. How much do you believe in your politicians that you would do the same? I do it because I know that he's an honest guy and that he will spend the money wisely. Even if he didn't, I'd still be happy to give him the money for a good night out. The guy deserves a break for everything that's happened to him and the way he's been treated.
it's your money, I am sure you have good reasons for giving TR some of it although I can't see that he deserves it.
There are plenty of worthy causes like water aid that I support.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Are you serious? Did you not watch Panodrama? Skip to 27:00 to see how Panarama and their associates tried to blackmail some guys to dish up some dirt on TR and paid a reporter £5000 to produce an article that they were going to twist into sexual misconduct to discredit him, then skip to 57:50 to get the summary if you haven't got time to see the whole thing.
I thought we were talking about our MPs. I wouldn't worry about your TR.
I am sure he can pay back as much as anyone can expect and some more.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
You know that he's promised to donate his entire MEP salary to charity?
he can claim a lot of expenses. Just look at what Farage has claimed, about £200k a year.
if he wins a seat, on UK leaving, he may get another £200k worth of golden parachute and a life pension.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 12, 2011
And all the people he has been found guilty of offences against?
Yes, like his brother who he lent £20k to to buy a house. That got him 18 months for conspiracy to defraud because his brother bigged up his salary on the mortgage application form. Do you know anybody else that got jailed for that. I bet many forum members have done that too. Then they put him in the high security jail, when anybody else would have been sent to an open prison. They deliberately put him on the same wing as the Islamist terrorists so that he would get beaten up by them.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 12, 2019
All credit to you vf for pointing out those examples of organised sexual crime around the country, I do wonder why the authorities do nothing to stop it. But the thing is what would Tommy Robinson do to curtail it ? I'm not convinced sending in the storm troopers and rounding everyone up who happens to be called Ali is the right way to go about it. Rivers Of far we've avoided it despite the Enoch prediction of some 50 yrs ago, is TR becoming a MEP going to stop that from ever happening.
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Oct 25, 2006
But the thing is what would Tommy Robinson do to curtail it ?
That's what I see in him, he just continuously incoherently rants against all the things we all know are wrong anyway, without providing any answers. That's another way of saying that he's useless.

All he ever does is stir up trouble for himself and others with a cost to the taxpayers and no benefit for anyone.

In answer to vfr400, it's obvious he would serve a sentence in a normal closed prison and not an open one, due to his record of troublemaking and involvement in violence. Open prisons are chiefly for those who've committed one-off crimes that haven't physically endangered others, and for those whose good conduct earns them a final part of a sentence with more freedom.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Tommy Robinson is standing for MEP on a manifesto of getting UK out of Europe, i.e. he's a Brexit politician. He's extremely popular and there's a fair chance that he'll win his seat. I've met many politicians. I took an immediate dislike to all of them as soon as they opened their mouths and started spouting their spineless crap. When I met TR, I found an honest person that speaks the truth. That's why I started following him. It makes him a very dangerous person as far as the dishonest establishment politicians and press are concerned. That's why they try to discredit him.
Try to discredit him? do I have to put up his criminal rap sheet again?
Ye Gods! you are joking.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Yes, like his brother who he lent £20k to to buy a house. That got him 18 months for conspiracy to defraud because his brother bigged up his salary on the mortgage application form. Do you know anybody else that got jailed for that. I bet many forum members have done that too. Then they put him in the high security jail, when anybody else would have been sent to an open prison. They deliberately put him on the same wing as the Islamist terrorists so that he would get beaten up by them.
Boring, boring, boring, and completely irrelevant to the thread
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Are you serious? Did you not watch Panodrama? Skip to 27:00 to see how Panarama and their associates tried to blackmail some guys to dish up some dirt on TR and paid a reporter £5000 to produce an article that they were going to twist into sexual misconduct to discredit him, then skip to 57:50 to get the summary if you haven't got time to see the whole thing.
You are wasting our time with this rubbish
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
You're very lucky. I just went to Bradford to pick up a new motorbike. I've never before experienced anything like it in this country. You should go there for a visit to see what I mean. Words can't really describe it. I just googled it tosee if I could find a photo of a typical street and discovered that Yougov lists it as the most dangerous city in the UK.

My first job was on the nightshift working plastic moulding machines in a factory near Basildon. I was the only white ethnic guy on the shift. All the others were Pakistani. Only the foreman could speak English. I loved those guys and did everything I could to help them. Tommy Robinson would have done the same.

In Wellington, Shropshire there are 1000 Pakistani male adult residents according to the 2016 national census. Currently, there are 200 of them under investigation for grooming and raping under-age girls. That's not an occasional bad guy. It's 1 in 5. How many others were involved that the police don't know about to have them under investigation? Imagine 1 in 5 guys in your street being under investigation for grooming! They reckon more than 1000 victims, and they believe that some of them were killed, as they disappeared without trace. TR was one of the few voices that called this out back in 2009. It went on for another 9 years before anybody did anything. It's not just Wellington. 1400 victims in Rotherham. Then there's Rochdale, Huddersfield, Bristol, Peterborough, Newcastle (700 victims), Oldham, and many more. This is not political spin. It's documented fact. You can Google it yourself to confirm that. If your daughter had lived in one of those towns, she might have been or become a victim. When TR could see it happening to his friends and neighbours families, he called it out, and for that he's been made into an enemy of the state.
And a football hooligan has made a name for himself but can do nothing to change anything, except con money out of the gullible over it.
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