You got me there Tony.Fattist remark!!!
The size-challenged lady has yet to sing.
You got me there Tony.Fattist remark!!!
don't be surprised, they do that all the time, the losing faction will just bring in a new amendment.But thats barely a 1% margin!
That's not democracy!!
This is inevitable with the present structure since a country's election will be seen as by far the more important than that of a power limited European parliament."Rates of turnout at European Parliament elections have been nothing short of dire, falling from a respectable 62% at the first contest in 1979 to 43% in 2014.
But look at individual states. Five years ago, turnout slumped below 30% in Hungary, Slovenia and Poland, and to just 13% in Slovakia."
Another of the main reasons I voted leave - and many I am sure did likewise - is because I felt the EU does not represent me. I didn't bother voting in the last EU elections for that very reason. I like my democracy close - the closer the better.
Here's some stats I found today that confirms I was not alone in this thinking:
"Rates of turnout at European Parliament elections have been nothing short of dire, falling from a respectable 62% at the first contest in 1979 to 43% in 2014.
But look at individual states. Five years ago, turnout slumped below 30% in Hungary, Slovenia and Poland, and to just 13% in Slovakia.
Alongside the more recent finding that nearly one in two people do not feel that their voice counts in the EU, 2019 will underline the way in which the EU is struggling from a lack of grassroots democratic engagement."
What baffles me is that the more extreme Brexit Voters have a preference for being robbed blind by local political hooligans and imagine the EU won't survive, lord knows how they imagine that is logical.This is inevitable with the present structure since a country's election will be seen as by far the more important than that of a power limited European parliament.
If the EU achieves its aim of becoming a single country of states, that will be immediately corrected. Then it will be more like the USA's national elections where some 60% participate in presidential years and 40% in mid term elections. Not great figures, but reflecting the considerable powers that states retain over the federation.
What baffles me is that the more extreme Brexit Voters have a preference for being robbed blind by local political hooligans and imagine the EU won't survive, lord knows how they imagine that is logical.
You would have thought that they would have seen through the Tory party for what it is by now, just a bunch of chancers.
they have a different view of what is best: patriotism is their common thread. The latter is translated into the English identity, ruling out any model of the US of E where member states don't speak the same language, therefore do not share the same culture, sense of humour and belonging.What baffles me is that the more extreme Brexit Voters have a preference for being robbed blind by local political hooligans and imagine the EU won't survive, lord knows how they imagine that is logical.
You would have thought that they would have seen through the Tory party for what it is by now, just a bunch of chancers.
Human stupidity is baffling, the surprise comes when you realise how widespread it is ,otherwise how can you explain wanting to leave the EU into the arms of the most incompetent government in the world?
So very true.They imagine that the EU won't survive to justify the logic of their rejection.
The irony is that to all intents and purposes the culture of this country is remarkably similar to all the other European nations, and had we not had the situation where misgovernment of this country has been rife for many yearsthey have a different view of what is best: patriotism is their common thread. The latter is translated into the English identity, ruling out any model of the US of E where member states don't speak the same language, therefore do not share the same culture, sense of humour and belonging.
I feel the effect of identity (or confusion in my case) when I watch French TV quizzes. I guess AKW feels that too.
They imagine that the EU won't survive to justify the logic of their rejection.
Some of the targetted adverts used by the leave campaign, only shown to those judged susceptible just days before the referendum
And how was the dataharvested?
Fact check 9: How did Vote Leave find these "missing" voters? With the dodgy data harvesting football quiz app. I really hope@ICOnews investigates this. It was clearly abusive. Football fans vied to win £50m. App harvested their personal data. Not labelled. Covert. Illegal?
wasn' t that cute?
I agree with that...Rest easy old friend.
The referendum is over. Time the look to the future not the past.
We have seen many people not happy about chlorinated chicken and hormone-fed beef from the USA possibly coming into the UK. Of course, despite the unpopularity here, it is possible they are reasonably safe. However, it is only possible to know that such standards as exist are being applied if the inspection regime are in place and operating.
Given that the USA is having to reduce or suspend food inspection for their own food, do you think they would do any more to reassure us were we buying more food from them?
I really don't think they would.
The Washington Post reports that the shutdown has led to a significant reduction in food inspections.
[The Food and Drug Administration] which oversees 80 percent of the food supply, has suspended all routine inspections of domestic food-processing facilities, FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said in an interview. He said he’s working on a plan to bring back inspectors as early as next week to resume inspections of high-risk facilities, which handle foods such as soft cheese or seafood, or have a history of problems.
And there is more on the BBC
Vote Leave's targeted Brexit ads released by Facebook
The official Vote Leave campaign spent more than £2.7m on targeting ads at specific groups of people on Facebook - helping it to win the 2016 EU referendum.
The US social media giant has now released these ads to a committee of MPs investigating fake news - meaning everyone, not just those they were originally aimed at, can now see them.
The ads, created by Canadian company Aggregate AIQ, often focused on specific issues - such as immigration or animal rights - thought likely to push the buttons of certain groups of people, based on their age, where they lived and other personal data taken from social media and other sources.
The 120 pages of documents appear to back up the findings of the Electoral Commission, which ruled last week that Vote Leave broke electoral law by working jointly with another campaign, BeLeave - something denied by both groups.
A number of BeLeave ads were sent from the Vote Leave Facebook account,
There are 1,433 different messages in the data set released by Facebook, all with one common theme
The adverts contained in the Facebook data set were seen more than 169 million times in total.
What? Chlorinated duck!!!Could Donald be the unlikely saviour of the remainer?
Fingers regards this criminal activity as funny?Some of the targetted adverts used by the leave campaign, only shown to those judged susceptible just days before the referendum
And how was the dataharvested?
Fact check 9: How did Vote Leave find these "missing" voters? With the dodgy data harvesting football quiz app. I really hope@ICOnews investigates this. It was clearly abusive. Football fans vied to win £50m. App harvested their personal data. Not labelled. Covert. Illegal?
wasn' t that cute?