Good old Foxy some say, he just made himself look and ass again on the Marr show.
Liam Fox sets out arguments against a second referendum International Trade Sec tells marr if Remain were to win, people like him would be ‘demanding a best of three
What a clown, for if there is a people's vote he will have already got his wish as this will indeed be the Third Referendum.
Something like this perhaps
This is a big opportunity for the leave camp to demonstrate they have a mandate from the people for Brexit now it is being "Sold as seen" with no guarantees or promises attached.
Liam Fox sets out arguments against a second referendum International Trade Sec tells marr if Remain were to win, people like him would be ‘demanding a best of three
What a clown, for if there is a people's vote he will have already got his wish as this will indeed be the Third Referendum.
Something like this perhaps

This is a big opportunity for the leave camp to demonstrate they have a mandate from the people for Brexit now it is being "Sold as seen" with no guarantees or promises attached.
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