It all revolves around what is offered on ref2 and its wording to actually settle anything.
Imagine how divided country would become if let's say 3 outcomes were offered, 2 of which split leave (or remain) and remain won with under 40%...(or vice versa)
Then assume we have a binary ref and the most desired outcome was not even offered. It really isn't as simple as many assume, if that is we want to be in a better place after it.
Like I, ve said before I, d go for the 2nd ref to have May, s deal or Remain... (if we must be consulted again) but that means no deal isn't even an option. (there is support for no deal. Farage has come out of hiding and was on Vine today arguing for a no deal)
There is also a strong argument on democratic grounds for not having another ref...
And, there is an assumption on many parts another vote would show a remain win, which if so would settle things... But it sure as hell is not guaranteed. Imagine a ref2 which said leave and May, s deal doesn't get through... That means we crash out...
I still think in a weeks time MP's will have to pass May's deal. There are more opportunities for unknown and further complications with another ref..But that probably means ref2 is inevitable in current climate.
And to be fair EU has history for offering referendums until the desired result is achieved... Is that really what people want..