Brexit, for once some facts.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
people voted for brexit for different reasons. If I could hazard a guess in case of Sir Dyson, it is because he has many run-ins with the EU, including the well publicised low energy directive. He does not need the EU, not for his UK staff, not EU subsidy for his farm. He holds a suspicion that the EU is corrupted by very large firms that hold sway on present and future decisions.
BTW, he imports into the EU stuff he got made in Malaysia and thus exposed to import duty and non tariff barriers.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Well I read it, and wondered why I bothered reading right wing propaganda
The logic employed was convoluted to say they least, implying that being left wing automatically cast a stance in stone, and still contained the nonsense that the EU stifles Democracy.

As if by any stretch of the imagination you make, this Government that has dictatorially prevented any form of parliamentary censure of it's intention of going through with Brexit on a two year old "Will of the people" mandate in order to protect the rights of the offshore bank account owners, represents a "Democratic" government?

Forget Corbyn, he's an irrelevence. the simple truth is the Westminster Flying Circus is owned by the Elite and has no longer any intention of doing it's duty to the electorate, and simply lies, cheats, cons and connives to order by the people with money it serves.
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Oct 25, 2006
That is certainly an opinion, well structured, but perhaps factually deficient. NZ was one of the food sources for the UK, but there was an implied assumption that there was a linked commonwealth with vassal states dotted around the globe. Each of these twinkling lights of commonwealth were growing their own wings, (very complicated metaphor) and fleeing the nest.

The assumption that one should import food from the furthest place on the earth bypassing all the other continents on the way ,demands a very particular arrogance.
New Zealand wouldn't even have an agricultural business without us. Their bees weren't able to pollinate some important crops that they hoped to grow there, so we sent them some Bombus terrestris bumblebees from Kent around the start of the 20th century to help. That bee species loved it there and flourished so well that New Zealand grew a healthy export business exporting millions of B. terrestris ready-to-hatch nests for large commercial greenhouses.

And their native grasses were such rubbish for grazing that sheep really struggled there, soon got sick and died so weren't viable. So we sent them some of our best grass seeds and they became the basis of their grazing lands. That really turned things round, so much so that at the peak in 1982 there were 22 sheep for every person in New Zealand.

So they owe it all to us and our generously sharing our resources, even if they sometimes say at mealtimes, "Not bloody lamb again!"


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Well I read it, and wondered why I bothered reading right wing propaganda
you do that every morning before 6AM - so that we don't have to.
a very noble endeavour, OG.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
We have covered all those points on this thread any times, what remains is the fact that nothing that people thought they were going to get out of Brexit has a cat in hell's chance of coming true
Imigration isn't going down from outside the EU and the Goverment is going to improve the ease of entry of EU citizens
Simply put jobs are in jeapordy

And what is this paragraph supposed to mean?

" Britain wants it’s sovereignty back and to steer it’s own cultural path."

Bull! the average voter hasn't a clue what "Sovereignty" means, they are just afraid of competition from foreigners, and crying out for "Sovereignty" (Meaning offshore bank accounts) has been sold to them as a "patriotic resistance to invaders"
Can someone explain the term cultural path as exemplifed here?

It would be interesting to confront people in the street and ask them
"Are you in favour of getting our sovereignty back and steering our own cultural path?
Followed up with three questions
  1. What exactly is "Sovereignty"?
  2. What exactly is "our cultural path"?
  3. How are we to set about achieving either?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Not someone who we should admire or Emulate
Dyson 'ranks last in reliability'

Dyson's famous vacuum cleaners are made in Malaysia
The Dyson vacuum cleaner - famous for its bagless technology - is the least reliable of all upright and cylinder brands, a consumer magazine has said.

A quarter of 5,100 upright vacuum cleaner owners surveyed by Which? failed to give their Dyson an all-clear on performance after six years' use.

What does he know of any value?
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
can anyone find me exporters who support brexit?
to understand the harm of hard brexit, you need to see who are the winners and losers if we exit under WTO.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015

And of course there is this numpty who knows nothing about business, importing or exporting.
"But Lord Edmiston, founder of car importer IM Group
Apart from being an importer, ask yourself this
"What does this guy actually MAKE meaning employ people and resources to create material things that make a profit ?

He's nothing but a glorified car dealer is he?
Hardly a recommendation to deal with the convoluted word of international trade , treaties, law ,social order and politics is it?

He just sees a personal swindle he can work when Brexit happens, that's all, and so what when it comes to collateral damage to anyone else.
Where will he find customers for his cars if Brexit goes badly?
When it comes to that why shouldn't he be a "Numpty" where Brexit is concerned just because he can handle a business?

Despite all the alleged talent HMG has at it's fingertips that's all that they have proved to be.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
I think in UK English sovereignty means "we make the rules and regulations and the rest of the world follows them". Like back in previous centuries.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
From the Express
Jeremy Corbyn RIDICULED for his 'perfect socialist paradise' in hysterical BBC sketch
JEREMY CORBYN was mocked by actors over wanting a “perfect socialist paradise” when discussing Brexit negotiations during a hilarious BBC sketch show.

That's nice.....

And also
NO DEAL, NO CASH: Army of 60 Brexiteers tell May to get tough on EU
ON THE second anniversary of Britain voting to leave the EU, the Prime Minister has been urged to get tough on Brussels and threaten to withdraw our divorce bill money without a decent trade deal. A punchy open letter by an influential group of 60 top politicians, economists and business leaders calls on Theresa May to tell the EU: “No trade deal, no money.”

And what will their reaction be if the EU replies
That's fine we will get the money back by increasing Tariffs on UK goods?
That is of course if any manufacturing worthy of the name survives Brexit, so it might not be much of a problem.
Any British manufacturing company will have taken the lead of Land Rover and others and fled the country...
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