Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
The woman making a complete shambles of steering the UK out of the EU has ordered her MPs to vote in a way not in the interests of democracy or of the British electorate. John McDonnell explains it like this:

View attachment 24568

In any other job, someone as incompetent as May would have been sacked long ago.

The only thing which surprises me regarding May's actions is that other people are surprised by them. Surely the public must have concluded that she is barely capable of carrying out basic life functions such as getting dressed or going to the toilet unsupervised. As an engineer, there is a basic rule that if something doesn't look right, it probably isn't right. Straight away, May does not look right, having the appearance and personality of a partially worked cadaver that has been dressed in clothes from an outlet which sells to ladies of non-standard dimensions. This should be a warning to look more closely.

Of course she doesn't want the papers published because she knows that they will provide further evidence of the fact that she is defined by total failure and total incompetence.

I am taking a certain amount of pleasure from witnessing her slow and very public humiliation as she establishes her place in history as the worst and least competent PM the country has ever known. I think she will be remembered as such long after she returns to her grave.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
Tilson my dislike is based on the personal nature of your posting. I do like the engineering reference...


Esteemed Pedelecer
The problem with having someone as dumb as the rich folk's puppet, May, in charge of driving through legislation that benefits only those born into inherited wealth and their new money friends in the entertainment industry, is that the bought and paid for media controllers continue to support her, even when her position would be considered untenable by any neutral observer.

Such is the blind faith displayed by those brainwashed by the media that they cannot understand or believe that the PM could possibly be as corrupt as the facts surrounding her actually bear witness. They are left in a state of apathy about what is going on, their passions only aroused by the fear of a socialist government, as they have been continuously drilled to believe by the agents of the elite for the last century.

This is a synopsis of May's work over the last few years:


Her most recent display of leadership was to appoint Sajid Javid to the role of Home Secretary. The broadcaster, James O'Brien, describes that appointment better than I can:


If anyone wishes to examine the credentials of Sajid Javid and his suitability or otherwise for the role, this short video clip is a good starting point:



Oct 25, 2006
Tilson my dislike is based on the personal nature of your posting.
Straight away, May does not look right, having the appearance and personality of a partially worked cadaver that has been dressed in clothes from an outlet which sells to ladies of non-standard dimensions. This should be a warning to look more closely.
I agree with Danidl, how dare you post these personal comments about the lady's appearance that I totally agree with.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Local elections not gone quite to plan or as predicted on here..
Is it right wing press, Russian's or May's fault this time...???
Perhaps it could be Corbyn ???
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Local elections not gone quite to plan or as predicted on here..
Is it right wing press, Russian's or May's fault this time...???
Perhaps it could be Corbyn ???
Who made any prediction?
You're making things up again aren't you?
I have looked back and found no mention of the local ejections, can you point them out for me?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Zlatan as usual didn't actually read my post[emoji41]
I wrote ejections not elections!

Sent from my Moto G (5) using Tapatalk
I assumed it was a typo ..if I picked up all your grammatical errors and liking for capital letters I,d be here all day..xx
You are doing same as Corbyn...grabbing at straws...
Ejections' my arse.
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Oct 25, 2006
Local elections not gone quite to plan or as predicted on here..
Is it right wing press, Russian's or May's fault this time...???
Perhaps it could be Corbyn ???
None of those, I think it's predictable, since the UKIP collapse was bound to mean they went to the Tories as the other nominally Hard Brexit party.

Overall it's a non-event where prediction is concerned though. There are no UKIP MPs so this same shift can't happen at a general election.

The only pointer I see is that the country is still quite evenly divided in two, just as it was in the referendum and the last general election. So no peace imminent, it's still a country of cats and dogs with no desire to co-exist.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
The only pointer I see is that the country is still quite evenly divided in two, just as it was in the referendum and the last general election.
nobody seems to shed a tear for UKIP.
They have lost almost all of their councillors, only 2 left holding to the flag.
I wonder what Mr Farage is going to say. He certainly knew that when he went to see DT for a new job. Maybe it's time to give him a seat in the HoL.
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Oct 25, 2006
nobody seems to shed a tear for UKIP.
They have lost almost all of their councillors, only 2 left holding to the flag.
I wonder what Mr Farage is going to say. He certainly knew that when he went to see DT for a new job. Maybe it's time to give him a seat in the HoL.
To me it was always inevitable once the referendum result was announced. That left UKIP without any purpose, regardless of what sort of Brexit we'd have. In a hundred years time they may not even have a mention in history, too temporary a blip.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I assumed it was a typo ..if I picked up all your grammatical errors and liking for capital letters I,d be here all day..xx
You are doing same as Corbyn...grabbing at straws...
Ejections' my arse.
Sent from my Moto G (5) using Tapatalk
  • :D
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
The tories have been buying up stocks of this big-time as several coats are required for their needs:

View attachment 24589

This is perhaps the worst performance of any government, certainly in my living memory. Yet, they remain in.power and it appears will do so for foreseeable future. Accepted, there are numerous reasons for this but the biggest amongst them is surely because of the complete disintegration of the labour party as a viable alternative. You can blame who you like but Tories ( and probably still led by May) will continue to scrape along until the day the labour party wake up and get themselves in order. Corbyn, must take some responsibility but its the entire movement being in disarray causing the fundamental fact...they appear utterly incapable of organising the party let alone run the country. They are lost and have far too broad a spread in beliefs. Corbyn will never get in no. 10 at tho rate.
