I'd also suggest that even you will have to admit that any statement from any politician currently can be taken with a very large pinch of salt, and currently seems to actually mean the exact opposite will happen.
We all know Brexit means Brexit, what else could it mean, that's a clear fact. It doesn't mean she'll enact Article 50 on Thursday morning, if she'd have wanted to do that, she'd have said that, wouldn't she?
It appears that currently you have to look at what they aren't saying, rather than what they are.
For once I completely agree with you, no one really expects honest politicians anymore, but, May has in effect really committed herself with her statements, and as she was already a euro sceptic but for political advantage chose loyalty to the party line, I believe she really understands Brexit means Brexit. Much to the dismay of many on this thread I think.
Article 50 is a sideshow and no good negotiator would ever advocate quick implementation of that, so all you remainers don't put too much hope on that as some secret signal, it's just the game
She is smart enough to not do what junker is desperate for, Ie start the clock and play by his rules. The clever negotiators, OG would call it blacmailers build power and influence and the game is over before some thought it had begun
Does anyone remember the coal strike and the long delays to start negotiations, by which time surprise surprise they had build up enough coal stocks that the strike was doomed before it began. Now don't get me wrong, I was not on the side of the government on that fight, but only to point out, wise up, negotiations are not just mouths on sticks, they are about the exercise of power and the build up of power. Do you really think we want to be negotiating through the change over of the German and French governments for example.
I have a feeling that May understands all of this and as some of you would say is a hard nosed bitch, just what we need at this juncture is my view