Democratically? with an unelected Commission.
there have been 72 occasions in the Council of Ministers where the United Kingdom has opposed a particular measure. It has been successful precisely zero times.
We were wasting our time and our money in the EU.
In many parts of the UK people were suffering the effects of rampant immigration. Not so bad in the cities, that is why the cities selfishly ignored their compatriots and voted remain.
In England and Wales, the split was 45/55%
Congratulations on repeating nonsense, we have only failed to get out own way in less than 2% of the situations in over 30 years,who do you think you are kidding?
We have in fact been successful for 98% of the time, and the risk of being outvoted is clearly being fantastically overstated and wrong.
And speaking of unelected, what is the difference between our parliamentary select committees, the house of lords, the cabinet and even more the fact that the Tory party of about to choose an unelected leader?
These arguments you put forward are nothing but myths.
So the people in the cities are suffering from rampant immigration? Where more so than London which voted for remain, and now the leave politicians are saying that immigration could be increased if they think it to our advantage?
Strange leaders you've got for yourselves, haven't you?
They have all headed for the hills after their so called victory, with no plan and no intention of taking responsibility for the damage to the country.
And Cameron led the retreat, didn't he?
The nations future is being gambled on the basis that 4% of the voters had no idea of what the EU is, does, how it operates, and the benefits that they have enjoyed as a result of our membership, and of course another 50% were of the same mind.
And 48% of the population are not pleased at having to be caught up in a nightmare that is not of their making, because an insane Tory prime minister was afraid of losing voters to the UKIP so promised the gullible public a referendum.
A stupid thing to do after using the EU as a whipping boy for a generation and hoping to sound convincing when he suddenly came out in its defence.
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