Bosch active - no power


Finding my (electric) wheels
Jul 7, 2017
My Scott E-Sub Tour has developed a fault by which there is no assistance given, and no speed showing on the Intuvia display.
I think the Intuvia is attached properly. The Up/Down buttons on the separate controller work, and I can seemingly select all assistance modes from off to turbo, on the display. But there is no assistance when pedalling, and nothing (not even zero) showing where the speed should be. The unit switches off after 2 minutes.

I have cleaned the exterior contacts on bike and Intuvia. I have checked the magnet is properly aligned with the speed sensor. The battery is showing fully charged on its own display.

What can I try next? Is there a definitive test for whether the battery is properly attached and supplying power?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
you need to remove the left side motor cover to get the the connectors for the speed sensor and clean and re connect it and see if that works.

if not then you could try a new sensor or take it to a dealer if that still does not work


Esteemed Pedelecer
I have had similar issues in the past which were the head unit not making contact due to it not being pushed fully into the cradle. I have also had a battery error and s misaligned magnet and both showed as errors on the display whereas the head unit not making contact didn't show an error
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Finding my (electric) wheels
Jul 7, 2017
Thanks for the responses. This morning the bike was fine. When I switched on the Intuvia, the words Bosch Active appeared, and the speed of 0. I went for a short ride using all assist levels, switched off the unit (without removing it). Then switched back on, and it failed to initialise. However pressing the battery button briefly, brought the correct display back again. This seems replicable. If the first switch on fails (though it never has done that before) then a battery press provides a workaround.
I have seen no error messages (but then I'm not sure where to look for these).


Feb 19, 2018
There are 3 issues that affect the sensor/ magnet

1 the gap 17mm max but 7to 9 MM. Is best
2 the magnet can go weak
3 the sensor wire might be damaged, ave routed mine internally with the brake hose.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Jul 7, 2017
I've ruled out the sensor as a cause of the problem. Because I can get it to reset itself by pressing on the battery, I think it must be something in the control unit. My theory is that in normal operation, switching on the controller wakes up the battery pack, which is then reflected by the speed appearing in the display. But this is not happening with mine. It is as if the controller is not mounted on the bike.
So the next likely cause is a poor connection in the controller/bike mount. But because a press on the battery is enough to 'cure' the problem, I don't think it is simply a loose connection.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 8, 2013
Have you tried recharging the battery in the Intuvia head unit?


Finding my (electric) wheels
Jul 7, 2017
I don't know how to do that? The battery symbol in the display shows maximum bars, so I guess it recharges when in use?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 8, 2013
Take the Intuvia off the bike and charge it via the mini / micro usb port under the little rubber flap. A phone charger or lead you plug into a computer normally does the trick.

The other thing to check again based on the symptoms described is the magnet alignment per Artstu's post. Note that it aligns with the line on the sensor, not the round bit.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Jun 2, 2012
Guys, the OP is clear that the display was working but there was no '0' in the speed display. This has nothing to do with the wheel sensor as this is open circuit except when the magnet is in proximity. The computer has no way of knowing whether or not the sensor is there unless it detects multiple pedal rotations with no pulses from the wheel.

I had the same problem this morning and resolved it by jiggling the Intuvia display on its bracket. (Mine has the security screw in place and hasn't ever been off the bike.) It's strange.
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Finding my (electric) wheels
Jul 15, 2019
I know this is an old topic, but I don’t seem to find anywhere a 100% working solution to the problem OP has described. I also have the same problem combined with intermittent power cut-off.

My setup (KTM bike, 2019):
  • Intuvia display
  • Intuvia mount with 3 golden pins on the left and 4 silver on the right
  • Powerpack 500 battery
  • Performance Line CX drive unit (Gen 2, 2019)
  • Most of the time the bike won’t power on using power button on the display. However, it always turns on using power button on the battery itself.
  • During the ride the motor sometimes turns off (unrelated to the riding conditions such as bumps), but Intuvia stays turned on. It eventually recovers by itself or turns off completely.

Most of the time when I try to power on the bike using power button on the Intuvia display, Intuvia display turns on (glowing) and it shows last remembered battery charge. It doesn’t show “Performance Line CX”, it doesn't show current speed (“0.0” after boot) and it doesn’t show lights-on status (if the lights were left on last time). Only after turning on correctly and completely (usually using power button on the battery) Intuvia will show new battery level (e.g., if the battery was charged after last shutdown) and lights-on status (again, if lights were left on during last shutdown).

The other issue is that during the ride the motor turns off but Intuvia stays turned on (not showing speed or lights status just like during irregular boot). Sometimes it helps to quickly slide it out of the mount and put it back in while in other situations I have to stop and power it on using power button on the battery (it can be quite unsafe to try this while still riding). This sometimes happens few times during a single ride and sometimes it doesn't happen for hundreds of km.

In couple of places I have found the advice to replace Intuvia mount with “new model”, shown on the picture below (see pin colors).


You can also check couple of related threads:

What I tried and failed:

  • Everything is mint condition clean, yet I cleaned it again
  • I tried using different Intuvia display (courtesy of local Bosch service center)
  • Playing with cables does nothing (if it were up to bad cables, I guess it would show up when I intentionally try to cause it),
  • Battery is well in place. In fact as I said, battery turns on Intuvia every time but Intuvia fails to turn on the battery.
  • I even checked contacts where cable from the motor connects to Intuvia (see picture).

The only thing I haven’t checked of changed is the part of the mount that can’t be opened. I will probably replace it in the near future if I manage to get the “new” model and report back.
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Finding my (electric) wheels
Jul 15, 2019
***SOLVED... kinda***



Just Joined
Nov 12, 2022
My Scott E-Sub Tour has developed a fault by which there is no assistance given, and no speed showing on the Intuvia display.
I think the Intuvia is attached properly. The Up/Down buttons on the separate controller work, and I can seemingly select all assistance modes from off to turbo, on the display. But there is no assistance when pedalling, and nothing (not even zero) showing where the speed should be. The unit switches off after 2 minutes.

I have cleaned the exterior contacts on bike and Intuvia. I have checked the magnet is properly aligned with the speed sensor. The battery is showing fully charged on its own display.

What can I try next? Is there a definitive test for whether the battery is properly attached and supplying power?
I had this problem, checked everything mentioned in this post nothing helped. But have a 2nd bike and 3 batteries. So kept sawpping the parts between bikes and it was just 1 of the batteries with this problem which worked OK on 1 bike but not the other. So problem must be a poor connection between battery and bike
