I with a full size bike it would be a problem to take it into train.... Specially within city..
My rail Co has very particular policies even on some folding bikes, which occasionally change, so you should check re yours too. It's not clear whether non Brompton bikes are allowed during peak hours and during peak you always have to fold it before going through the barriers. If there is a staircase after the barriers then we're into even trickier issues. Not all folders are designed to be carried - even the best are intended for people with backs of iron - not necessarily the typical ebike customer, and of course an ebike will be at least 6kg heavier.
And as was said not every bike is actually nice to ride. I just took mine on a ten mile round test ride and it was not all that pleasant - cold, bad ride, difficult to pedal , my knees,the traffic...
So I agree with whoever it was who said you both should see if you are really really properly ok with the kind of uses/journey you're talking about (definitely including trying bikes properly) , before investing, as you won't know until then whether it's for you. And it's good to talk to people about this like you're doing here.
You'd then best do a 'wargame', even if just mentally, thinking through every stage/type of use on your journey.