The daily Commute
Please post your impressions in this thread!
So you've been out all day on your new wonderful machines, tell us poor souls who are still waiting for ours about them.
OK.. Got the insurance.. compulsory with cyclescheme.. got the kryptonite lock.. compulsory with the insurance.. got the cycle helmet and banana jacket.. compulsory with spouse..Got the panniers.. free with 50cycles..
so finally, finally ready for the daily commute.
Here are my second impressions following my 3 mile journey to work
Set off on flat and switched on battery too test.. Lights flickered and went out.. Oh.. Switched on and off again and power kicked in OK..Not sure why that happened.. Half of my journey to work is flat/ down hill so bike went smooth as a bullet through butter. Getting used to the weight, though still feels on the heavy side (especially when I carry it up and down my steps) . On a flat section, I tested all the gears again and all engaed with significant differences in each gear, so I think the gearing is fine.. though Intain 6 and 7 are a little light .. I checked this with the power off and it still felt as though I could do with a bit more push.
First Test.. North Road Hill, Bath.. 1.5 miles of steep hill 1 in 10 for 0.4 miles and then 1 in 4/5 for 0.8 miles or so.. Started in 1st gear and had to work very hard..on full power so tried 2nd.. still felt a bit of a struggle. I'm out of condition and cycle muscles are very weak at the moment.. Tried 3rd and it started to feel better.. let the bike do the work.. tried 4th and it felt about right.. When I reached the steepest part of the hill, I changed back to third.. Bit a puff but made it to the top.. Back on the flat I played with the gears again and all were fine..although the gear slipped a little between 4 and 5 but I was probably changing too quickly. So total journey 1.75 miles .. journey time 15 mins..I'd have beaten the car and the bus by about 30 mins!
OK.. so far so good.. I turned round and started my journey back..Tested the power again and the lights flickered on and off.. and on again.. I am now worried about this and would like some advice.
Down North Road.. comfortable ride.. The suspension is very good.. though I just about bounced off the bike when I hit a pothole.. Have to be careful.. Brakes performed very well.
Now up another very steep hill 1 mile approx in 4 for 0.5 and 1 in 8/10 for 0.5 miles. Again, 4 th gear better than the lower gears.. I let the bike do the work. Still quite hard though.. but this is good, if you like exercise. Once up on the flat, ran through the gears again and all was well.
Arrived home in 15 mins
Checked power.. On the handlebar control one light was out (Half power) and on the battery, one light was out.. I'm not sure if this is normal.. I did an initial charge of about 5 hours over a week ago with very little use after Should I expect this loss after such a short journey (though the bike worked very hard to get up both hills.)
So, overall.. A joy to ride ..9.5/10 (0.5 point off for weight and light gears)
I supose the real test comes when it is used every day in all weathers