The Dft told Pedelecs last year that twist and gos wouldn't be considered motor vehicles needing registration etc. but they would need type approval: not sure I understand this: either the cycle is a motor vehicle and has to have a motor vehicle type approval, in which case Le1-A is the lowest available, or it's not a motor vehicle in which case no type approval is required. Where does this EPAC type approval come from?
So I guess twist and gos with the ability to propel by throttle independently should really be referred to as something other than an EAPC whose primary aim is pedalling? A 'powered cycle' doesn't seem to help clarify that difference enough though.
Slightly separately, I emailed the VCA earlier to ask more on the steps manufacturers (or manufacturers' representatives) need to take to type approve twist & gos (L1e-A in the main but also s-ped L1e-B), asking if the National Small Series Type Approval (NSSTA) is relevant here, the production volume involved, plus the timescales from application to CoC (particularly if they're consulting on penalties for non-compliance with type approval shortly), costs and how technological advances on components are treated.
This is all new to me and I guess I won't be alone there. I basically asked for 'starters' information to share on here. I'm really hoping I won't be sent to various FAQ pages on their website so it'll be a useful starting point for those that need it. I'll let you know...