Search results

  1. Jerrymond

    What bikes should we be looking at?

    Good point David. My brain wasn't quite in gear there. Probably a bit of moisture ingress (red wine last night)
  2. Jerrymond

    Where Do You Live V2.0

    That's brilliant thanks Flecc
  3. Jerrymond

    Sweaty head syndrome. Is there a cure!?!

    Thanks Jerry I've got big apples (insert pun) on my current analogue bike and have them pumped up to 60PSI. They still feel comfy but are a bit too twitchy on some of the paths I use.
  4. Jerrymond

    What bikes should we be looking at?

    They look great value for money at the current exchange rate (about £911 each) and nice looking bikes. As another poster said I wouldn't want to risk all that time in a shipping container it could cause major probs and would you even be getting anything better for your money? Good luck with the...
  5. Jerrymond

    Trade Members Being Too Overtly Salesy in 'What Bike?' Threads?

    Hi not been on here long but watching quite a while. I think the input from trade members is a real plus and they seem very well behaved. It's more likely that a regular member with a like/dislike of hub/crank, road/mtb etc will suggest something way off the mark. Even then I've seen a few...
  6. Jerrymond

    Where Do You Live V2.0

    Hi I'm in hd3 could you add me please. Also I don't know how to see where other people are when I click on the map link. Could you educate me please?
  7. Jerrymond

    is there ca descent hill climber for £1000 omiting big bear

    You could try buying a new house at the top of the hill, I've heard the market's good right now. Or live in a tent at the garden centre. Or try some ready brek it was very popular in the 80's and gave superpowered energy it also gave you this radio active glow so you wouldn't need the extra...
  8. Jerrymond

    Sweaty head syndrome. Is there a cure!?!

    Some good ideas, I wonder if anyone out there could knit me one out of a merino wool/graphene blend?
  9. Jerrymond

    Sweaty head syndrome. Is there a cure!?!

    Hi I'm hoping you guys can give me some good suggestions on a really well ventilated cycle helmet. I tried a sieve but it kept falling off after I attached my sat nav, GPS, lights and mirrors to the handle. Also any thoughts on the schwalbe big Ben plus or marathon plus tour as a mixed commute...
  10. Jerrymond

    Commuter bike Wisper 905 Torque or Oxygen MTB.....probably

    It's a smart looking bike at a great price but I like the idea of going to a shop to try out. However if you used cyclescheme I may have been tempted.
  11. Jerrymond

    Commuter bike Wisper 905 Torque or Oxygen MTB.....probably

    Cheers Warwick great info and sound advice, will do.
  12. Jerrymond

    Commuter bike Wisper 905 Torque or Oxygen MTB.....probably

    Thanks for the reply David could you pm me please as I have no idea how to do it.
  13. Jerrymond

    Commuter bike Wisper 905 Torque or Oxygen MTB.....probably

    Thanks for the speedy response D8veh. The oxygen website says a 13ah battery would this be enough? They seem to have a solid warranty and back up which is reassuring. I could get a mk1 wisper torque for £1399. I will definitely try both out.
  14. Jerrymond

    Commuter bike Wisper 905 Torque or Oxygen MTB.....probably

    It looked funny when I wrote but you know sometimes after a long ride on those small saddles....
  15. Jerrymond

    Commuter bike Wisper 905 Torque or Oxygen MTB.....probably

    Thanks for the replies. I guess I was hoping the wisper would be ok for some of the following reasons; it has a bigger battery, I could swap batteries with the Mrs smaller one at weekends to even us out and get a similar range, mudgaurds, lights and rack with a more upright position. None of...
  16. Jerrymond

    Commuter bike Wisper 905 Torque or Oxygen MTB.....probably

    Hi All I'm new to this and will try to post a strava result of my commute and a bit more background info later. My commute is 14.5m each way (best time 1h22m) and bowl shaped (down hill, flatish, uphill). When I tried it for a few months last year on my old Mongoose Tyax I could only manage to...
  17. Jerrymond

    Hi guys

    Hi guys
  18. Jerrymond

