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  1. flecc

    London Cycling, a bad start to the year

    After 2016 being one of the lowest years for cycling deaths with 9 deaths (down from a past average of 14 deaths), there's now a sudden very bad start to this year with 3 London commuting cyclists killed in the last four days. One on Monday was due to a hit and run accident, but the two in the...
  2. flecc

    New way to ship batteries from China?

    Just been listening on Radio 4 news to a fascinating item on the "New Silk Road". In part this includes a rail route handling increasing amounts of goods from China to Europe in much less time that ships take. With the ban of flying large lithium batteries and the long sea route, this overland...
  3. flecc

    Our replacement for the EU?

    This is an unashamed attempt to replace the Brexit thread with something more constructive and sensible for the same protagonists. I believe many think The Commonwealth is an outmoded relic of little use to anyone, but if so that is a very big mistake. Consider the facts: It has 53 member...
  4. flecc

    Congratulations Chris Froome

    Chris has just won the Tour de France for the third time, something that only a tiny handful of riders have achieved. At 31 years old now it will be unlikely that he could match Lance Armstrong's seven wins, but for me his three honest wins easily equal Armstrong's seven drug assisted ones...
  5. flecc

    Another Boris Johnson consequence

    When Johnson was elected London's mayor he immediately pursued the populist idea of a replacement Routenmaster open rear platform bus, against all professional advice. Open rear platforms, once acceptable on the pre-war RT buses had proved unsafe with with the higher speed RM buses so had been...
  6. flecc

    Type Approval, there's no need.

    This is particularly addressed to our trade members and the Bicycle Association who can now approach the DfT on this matter. There is now no legal need for the DfT to set up a future path to type approve throttle equipped pedelecs. That is only made necessary by the type approval law in the EU...
  7. flecc

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Many are rightly asking for facts instead of the inane propaganda that both sides are issuing in the EU dabate. Here for once is an actual case which includes many of the consequences that will accompany Brexit and any attempt to limit EU migration. This isn't part of the propaganda, it's...
  8. flecc

    London Cyclist Death

    This week we were reaching 11 months since the last cyclist death in London, something of a miracle after years of averaging about 14 deaths each year. Following a big campaign for improved safety, the main credit for this was jointly due to cyclists taking greater care in the vicinity of...
  9. flecc

    Dutch Government banning most i.c cars

    The Netherlands government have announced their intention to ban all petrol and diesel cars by 2025, just 9 years of gas guzzling left! Even hybrids banned. I believe they might just do this, Norway has, and the Dutch have never shown any past reluctance to act against the motoring world...
  10. flecc

    Journalist has bluff called

    During Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's visit to Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in April 2016, a journalist jokingly asked the Prime Minister to explain quantum computing. He called their bluff with a spot-on explanation. Imagine one of our UK politicians being able to do...
  11. flecc

    First Volkswagen, now Mitsubishi

    Mitsubishi Motors have admitted falsifying fuel consumption figures on some of their models and some models they produce for Nissan. It seems some 600,000 cars are affected. Wouldn't it be terrible if e-bike makers exaggerated ranges. :rolleyes: ;) .
  12. flecc

    The sort of driver we all hate

    No cyclist involved this time, but a high speed car crash with a 36 ton Tram in my home town, derailing the tram. The 26 year old woman driver had jumped the red traffic lights at speed, passing a stationary car at the lights. Police have since arrested her for drink driving. Link to video...
  13. flecc

    Cyclists soon more important than car drivers

    Reported yesterday in the BBC London News that the huge growth in cycle commuting in London means cyclists are now near to parity with car drivers. Within two years it's believed there will be more cyclists than car drivers commuting. Little wonder the authorities are cracking on with...
  14. flecc

    Leaving the EU

    With a referendum in due course on whether we stay or leave, it's as well that all know what's involved in leaving, something that's certainly not true at present. For example, how many appreciate that we have to give two years notice to leave, or that we have to seek the agreement of all other...
  15. flecc

    1-1-2016 Today's Change in the Law.

    I'll start by saying the chances of being caught in consequence of any of the following are minimal. However, it's only right that everyone should be aware of the law as it applies to them. From today, to be a bureacracy free pedelec (EAPC), any new electric assisted bike bought must have it's...
  16. flecc

    Difficulties getting an e-car, Part 2

    Some may remember me looking into buying a Nissan Leaf e-car some while ago and the conclusion that at £32,000 and a replacement batttery after about 4 to 5 years at £16,000, it simply wasn't worth trying, even without the other problems like short range etc. Even the government's £5,000 grant...
  17. flecc

    What name next?

    Islamic State - - ISIS - - EIIL (French) - - ISIL - - I.S. - - Daesh. Any idea what next week's name will be? :confused: .
  18. flecc

    Lithium Battery Woes

    While most of our e-bike lithium battery troubles seem to have ended, these batteries continue to cause problems elsewhere, from fires on Boeing 787s to ever diminishing life promises in electric cars. Now we learn that London's hybrid routemaster bus batteries are all failing, with over a...
  19. flecc

    7th London Cyclist Death Today

    Following a commuting death yesterday, another one today, bringing the total to seven so far this year. All seven deaths have been in collisions with HGVs, but before we get the usual hysteria about trucks, it's far from being the only important factor. Arguably the most important factor is...
  20. flecc

    Law on the Roads, New Program

    A more sensible radio program this time, on BBC Radio 4 at 8pm tonight or can be listened to later on the link below. Clive Anderson and a panel of legal experts discuss how changes to our traffic laws could reduce the numbers of motorists, cyclists and pedestrians killed or injured on the...