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  1. J

    Set up manuals

    Fantastic..!!! Just managed to pair up the 1000w programmable LCD and controller to a brushless non labelled hub motor and it flies!! 5 levels of throttle assist. Bring on the mud.
  2. J

    Set up manuals

    No the controller does not have self learning wires and looks quite simple compared to what I've been using. The only wires that aren't in use are brakes and pas though in the advert details it said you can switch between pas or rolling throttle or use both which suited my bike perfectly as I...
  3. J

    Set up manuals

    Ok great thank you I'll go through that. Do you think pas value would help with it not being smooth operating particularly under load now it's turning the correct way?
  4. J

    Set up manuals

    I'd like to know what each values P00, P01, P02 through to P05 represent? The only one I can guess is the one that's wheel size.
  5. J

    Set up manuals

    Normally you get a set up manual and set up wheel size, max speed, etc etc. and with this type of lcd i read you can set it up for many types of adjustment but have had no manual to help. I was hoping it would be plug it in and away you go but again its not that easy. I hoped i tracked down a...
  6. J

    Set up manuals

    Hi all, Has anyone had any experience with this type of LCD and controller? I recently got one to replace an 861 type LCD and have just managed to get past it turning my motor backwards but have had no set up manual sent to me for parameters settings. Many thanks.
  7. J

    Throttle level assist

    Hi, Could anyone tell me if they have used or are using a 48v 1000w ebike kit with lcd and don't use the pas but still manage to use the 5 levels of power through the throttle? I have a lcd 861 with an unamed controller (through germanladen) but have broken the screen and have purchased another...
  8. J

    Setting up parameters

    Hi d8veh, Thanks very much for your help, that answers a similar problem I had with an lcd3 set up. There seems to be so many variations of LCD/ controller set ups it could start getting expensive, very addictive though! Regards.
  9. J

    Setting up parameters

    Hi all, I have put together a couple of electric bikes for myself and my young lad and have had huge amounts of fun with them off road in woods and forests etc. I used a kit that I purchased through germanladen, removed all the unnecessary bits and put on a much stronger downhill rim and far...