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  1. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    But none of that information was used in any conclusions. They looked at finding source to prove Russia innocent, but could not. That obviously does not prove guilt and was not assumed to in report. ( like I said your quote proves that to be case) Which bit is the disgrace ? Killing of...
  2. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    You,ve not answered OG.
  3. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    That's exactly what I said fflecc. They have only said the Polinium could have come from there. ( agreed I got the quote number wrong, it was by memory, cant see both at once) But you have found the quote.. Your assumption they have used this " finding" to arrive at conclusions is wrong. The...
  4. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    It was administered into the tea pot..tall and stout. But yes..otherwise the killers would be dead.
  5. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    So you accept the facts / conclusions in the report ? ( Main one being FSB ordered the killing.)
  6. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    One of your claims Flecc was that report assumed Polonium 210 was only available via Russia.( or some thing similar) The report makes no such assumption. They did summise by careful dating of half life they can fairly accurately calculate exactly when the poison was made. ( To within hours)...
  7. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Yes, the Russian comment was tongue in cheek. The inquiry was far more rigorous and careful than you imply Flecc. Having spent last 3 days reading the damn thing I cant see anything that supports your conclusion. Infact , quite the reverse. Read section 9.16 ( page 239)
  8. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    We dont need anymore ample already..
  9. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Irrelevant that you insist I wont accept facts but you refute the conclusion of a public inquiry ??
  10. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    When are you contacting Owen then OG ? Put forward you have read on a forum that his conclusions are wrong and flawed and you believe what you,ve read on a forum rather than on report.. And you called me stupid.!
  11. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    So lets just get this straight. In my absolute ignorance I believe the conclusions reached in a public enquiry yet I am levelled as the one not accepting " facts" Whereas Flecc and OG claiming conclusions are wrong are the ones accepting " facts"...Rather ironic given that both your arguments...
  12. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Thanks OG and Flecc..your posts are in good humour even if I disagree with your opinions. IMHO its you two mixing opinion with fact and not the Owen inquiry.( and not me either) All you say may well be true Flecc but I somehow doubt Owen and others involved with both the inquiry and...
  13. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    One of principles of PI is to determine the facts in attempts to prevent occurance again. Are we really saying the facts arrived at can be dismissed if individuals feel they are wrong. That will lead to a few problems with Grenfell... We can look for error in recommendations from PI but to...
  14. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    So you think the reports findings are wrong ? And the report came to conclusions it did to satisfy the public ? Cant see it myself..they are quite pointless then..
  15. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    So your argument revolves around a year long " independent" public enquiry being wrong. A report I suspect you haven't read ? If we are going to contradict public inquiries there really is no faith in anything. The inquiry was none political. Its pointless me making any points at all if we...
  16. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Hang on a minute Flecc. Sir Robert Owen carried out an in depth public inquiry, and the report runs to 328 pages. Its conclusions ( page 245, sect 10.9 to 10.16) conclude that Litvinenco was poisoned by polonium 210 ingested from contaminated tea,put there by 2 Russian agents. ( 10.16 The FSB...
  17. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    We had a public inquiry lasting just over a year who,s conclusions were ( as stated in earlier post) that FSB planned and carried out the killing of Litvenco. They went further and said " probably under Putin's direct orders" Now I accept Wiki and every other media outlet may put slants on...
  18. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Some of them..
  19. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Good post Flecc...Unfortunately we are in middle of all you does seem a line has been passed in Salisbury. The crimes have spilled over into public domain or perhaps pushed there. Do you think Russia/ Putin has followed protocols ? Do you not think your explanation puts...
  20. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    "UK police have launched a murder investigation after the death of Russian businessman Nikolai Glushkov in south-west London. Mr Glushkov was found dead at his home in New Malden on 12 March. A post-mortem examination revealed Mr Glushkov, who was 68, died from "compression to the neck"...