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  1. cyberdyne_systems

    Felt Lebowsk - e fat bike

    Thanks for posting this. Really good looking bike, I've seen those forks before but they still freak me out every time I see them :D.
  2. cyberdyne_systems

    Carrera Crossfire ebike

    You MUST post pics here ;) Just start with a couple from your smart phone...
  3. cyberdyne_systems

    Long time lurker, ready to buy... but

    Yes pics, we need them! ;)
  4. cyberdyne_systems

    Hello bought a Pedelec in february

    Welcome to the forum. How annoying the first bike didn't work out! I'm interested how the different drive feels, can you elaborate?
  5. cyberdyne_systems

    Hello all.

    Welcome. I think you will definitely feel some benefit from an e bike. As long as you don't top up at the end of every journey :p
  6. cyberdyne_systems

    Eco Expedition

    I got some time to fit them today:
  7. cyberdyne_systems

    eMTB owners photo and ride thread.

    That location looks awesome! Can't wait to get out to some nice views and share them here also
  8. cyberdyne_systems

    eMTB owners photo and ride thread.

    Nice work space, beats a kitchen table! :D
  9. cyberdyne_systems

    Wisper 705se step-through

    Using a couple of different locks is advised, and check the rating on them. It's so good commuting, I hate having to use the car now ;). Enjoy your new bike
  10. cyberdyne_systems

    Conversion kit ordered

    Hey tabs, there are two ways really one is to click the upload a file button, and then you can decide how to display it. Or you can use the image button, and it will ask you for the url where the picture is located. So that could be a online picture hosting site or if you uploaded it to here...
  11. cyberdyne_systems

    Eco Expedition

    Update: so one thing that's slightly bugged me was the suspension fork, works perfectly ok on the terrain I tend to use, but if I pull up on the bars to clear some rut as I go over it, I get this metallic sound as the fork tops out, it's a minor annoyance but never the less now I know it's there...
  12. cyberdyne_systems

    well its here. hard seven 2016

    If how good a bike performs was based on how it looked, then that would be an awesome bike! Looking forward to your review and plenty more pictures
  13. cyberdyne_systems


    From the happy Mondays? Sorry you probably get that all the time ;). There's some very knowledgeable people here, I hope to become like them some day... Welcome and enjoy the forum
  14. cyberdyne_systems

    Newbie from South London

    Just over 5 miles each way, more than enough for me at 6.30 in the morning :p
  15. cyberdyne_systems

    eMTB owners photo and ride thread.

    That looks such fun, great how the dog runs along ahead of you too
  16. cyberdyne_systems

    £1000-£1300 Budget Which Bike?

    Apart from the usual maintenance (just adjusted the front derailleur because of some minor chain drag). The only thing I don't like is when the forks top out (when I pull up on the bars) it's a bit metallic sounding, you don't notice it on normal riding over the bumps. I thought about changing...
  17. cyberdyne_systems

    Places to ride in the south east

    Thanks guys, I was looking at a few Web pages about the SDW and it kinda gets a bit daunting, when there is so much choice ;). I'll take a look at those routes you've both posted up, particularly that last one. And thanks for the encouragement :)
  18. cyberdyne_systems

    Places to ride in the south east

    I thought I'd ask where people recommend riding, I'm right near the south downs as I type this near Hassocks, and wonder where is best to ride along it? I guess I'm talking tracks/paths as opposed to full off road. Any recommendations/experiences/travel and parking/pictures are welcome. Let's...