Search results

  1. SRS

    Car carriers

    Why buy one? Find a friend with a welder. Buy some angle, thick wall box and some hammerite and make one to fit. You can make to suit the bikes to the mm. Made one myself about 20 years ago. Cost me about £5 from memory using scrap steel. Go on, give it a go. It is not alway the best...
  2. SRS

    Electric Skateboard, Can I Use One?

    Yes, I think that is the case, my mate did not know and did not seem to care. I however do care. Brilliant fun but not worth a shed load of legal trouble. Maybe in the future in a more relaxed county. Thanks for your input.
  3. SRS

    Electric Skateboard, Can I Use One?

    So ok if you own an airfield. There is a market for these, makes me wonder where people use them.
  4. SRS

    Electric Skateboard, Can I Use One?

    Had a go on a mates new electric skateboard the other day. Took along my cycle gps unit to record my maximum speed. Brilliant, straight down the centre of a mile long, smooth and empty road. Maximum speed recorded was 31mph. Asked a bit more about it. 900w 36v and best part of £800...
  5. SRS

    The Dog Is OK

    Perhaps a short lead by ones side? Much the same as one would hold the hand of a small child in a similar location. Eaglerider, I know where you're coming from. Been chased on cycle and bitten twice myself. Not acceptable but not the norm either. This particular dog owner was a nice guy, just...
  6. SRS

    The Dog Is OK

    Cycling to work on my ebike this morning along the mixed cycle come coastal foot path. On a narrow section, 10mph ish. The owner saw me coming and immediately called his dog out of the bushes across the path. Right at the last seconds. Upon hearing him call I realised he was probably...
  7. SRS

    Electric Bike Virud

    Good article and I suspect that for the most part pedelecs will ultimately outgrow push bikes. Maybe some decades but will surely happen. An interesting assumption as to pedelec owners and push bike ownership. I,d be keen to know if the assumption is true, anybody? I for one own e-bike...
  8. SRS

    Are these tow trailers really safe in the dark?

    flecc, apologies for the tosh. What was it that you said about trailer safety?
  9. SRS

    Are these tow trailers really safe in the dark?

    actively encourages people to learn to swim, ensuring a next generation of swimming fatalities As I said Tosh. They do not actively encourage swimmming to ensure future swimming fatalities.
  10. SRS

    Are these tow trailers really safe in the dark?

    Flecc What a lot of tosh. Lets discourage people from swimming, just in case they might drown. I have never heard anything so ridiculous!! Sticking my 4 year old daughter in a low level trailer in stinking polluting traffic is not an acceptable way to treat her. Risk or no risk, I'll...
  11. SRS

    Home made wind turbine using hub motor?

    We have several friends around with home built versions. Do a little research on treadmill motors, these perform well. This option would be a somewhat easier conversion over a hub motor. Of course, you would get something from a hub if you have no desire to purchase alternatives. Overspeed...
  12. SRS

    Are these tow trailers really safe in the dark?

    Jolly good, stick a kiddie seat and kiddie on the back and take it down the road. I'll watch from the cycle path.
  13. SRS

    Are these tow trailers really safe in the dark?

    Dave, totally agree. Ever wondered why you don't see more recumbents on the road? Even experienced riders of these pick their routes wisely.
  14. SRS

    Are these tow trailers really safe in the dark?

    We love the kiddie trailers too but I,ll keep my kid on the crossbar and the spuds in the trailer when on the road. Cycle paths are different matter.
  15. SRS

    Are these tow trailers really safe in the dark?

    I was once rear ended by a van whilst sat at stop lights. The rear wheel of the bike went under the front bumper. I was plastered on the windscreen. Need I say more other than this was during daylight.
  16. SRS

    Are these tow trailers really safe in the dark?

    Dave We have a crossbar seat but also a child trailer at times. The trailer is only ever used away from the road, cycle and coastal paths only. I agree, these trailers are dangerous if used on road, day or night. Not only a very real danger of being rear ended but also places the child at...
  17. SRS

    Hard won easy lost

    Linfitter Its all a load of cobblers anyway. My motorcycle, driven by a 130BHP engine and not a pedal in sight. This is taxed as a bicycle. Clearly says so on the disk. Any machine that encourages people, including myself to get away from fossil burning vehicles, clear the roads and get some...
  18. SRS

    Request for Bosch tech info

    d8veh Thanks, had not thought of pulsing the sensor but good way to keep the warranty. I shall jig up this option 1st for initial trials. Martins dongle looks interesting but as stated would invalidate the warranty. Does however give one the option to unplug when legality is required. Many...
  19. SRS

    Request for Bosch tech info

    Appreciate that technical information is no longer allowed but thought I would try my luck. With reference the the Bosch centre drive system, shortly to arrive on my new KTM. As I understand, the maximum speed of the system is determined by encoder pulse rate from the back wheel. Correct...
  20. SRS

    Dog lights

    Don't have a dog but do have to cycle on an unlit path beside the beach on the way home from work. 2 miles of complete darkness if a cloudy night. Despite very good headlight, dogs along with their owners can be invisible until the last 5 or 10 metres. These sort of dog lights are brilliant...