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  1. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I’m not sure about the reference you make concerning my voting to leave, making me a debt expert. That’s quite an extraordinarily disjointed statement. I don’t recall stating that I was an expert in debt management. I gave my opinion, which I think I’m entitled to do, unless there are rules...
  2. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    In fairness, I did say COULD, not WILL.
  3. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Well I think you do. If a person / organisation spends more than the income, debt increases, the credit charges increase, the person’s net value is an ever increasing minus figure with no strategy to halt it. There has to be a reckoning day and I think Brexit will bring reckoning day forwards...
  4. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Sorry to heavily edit your original post, but those are a couple of sentences with which I whole heartedly agree. I think Brexit COULD cause interest rates to rise to an unsustainable level for many. Again, another roll of the dice with quite severe consequences if the right numbers don’t come...
  5. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    They are bust, bankrupt. Many households in the U.K. are bankrupt in reality, but on credit life support. That is what enables them to maintain the illusion of wealth with such things as the white Range Rover Evoke lease car. I hope no one pulls the plug. This is another reason why I switched...
  6. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    If I spend £1.01 for every £1.00 that I earn, I go bust.
  7. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I’m sorry, this isn’t Brexit related, but I had to post it as an example of this government’s utter incompetence, desperation and generally not having a clue. As a fight back against the rising tide of knife crime, the government is proposing to ban knife wielding violent thugs from using...
  8. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Agreed. Only ever needed one filling when I was 13, so 40 years now without a need for treatment. I just don’t believe that Brexit can be blamed for this reported delay. Its more likely to be over population which is the cause. The number of service users has been allowed to expand unnaturally...
  9. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Come off it. I went to the dentist two weeks ago. No problems. Next appointment in six months time as usual. Plenty of staff. I suppose it comes down to where you live.
  10. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Well that is a great big steaming pile of.............. hang on, wait a minute, it’s from the Guardian. It makes sense now.
  11. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    It sounds like the Remain campaign have been accused, investigated, convicted and sentenced. The Leave campaign have been accused, but that still leaves the investigation, trial and sentencing before we can say they did anything illegal. Innocent until proven & all that.
  12. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Fair comment.
  13. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I agree with about 75% of that.
  14. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

  15. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Something we can agree on. Yes the rigging and dodgy conduct was shocking. Remain received a hefty fine for spending irregularities. Awful.
  16. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Greater self sufficiency. Jobs created. Less spend on imports, helping the balance of payment. Productive use of land.
  17. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I know that as far as the current situation is concerned, FOM will never be up for negotiation. The EU conceding on that is not going to happen. However, it is not possible say that will be the case for eternity, which is what I believe flecc to be saying. To claim that the current situation...
  18. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Stick to the topic please no deviation. Pleased you have read and digested my earlier response to you. It gives me a warn fuzzy feeling to know that I have got to you :-) Oh and thanks for re-posting it too. Much appreciated.
  19. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Nothing can "never happen". The unthinkable can and often does happen. As I say, I don't care one way or the other about the theoretical ideal of free movement of people. I have no concerns. However, It could be gone at the stroke of a pen given the correct environment, and the environment is...
  20. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    They will do nothing. They will find a solution. They can find a solution now. It's pathetic.