I suppose it’s relative to where you live. London and most metros have a high degree of bike theft by well tooled thieves, other places have mostly opportunist thieves . I bought my bike to commute, and use as general transport, and that means I will have to leave it outside for short periods...
My mate gave me a kryptonite chain lock for free (sold secure gold), I already had a couple of secure gold u locks so I use one of them and the chain lock, a Vodafone GPS tracker, a £12 alarm from Amazon I leave the battery on though... should I remove it?
I went with cycleplan, paid £67.10 for the year, bike is not covered outside when at home, but I keep it in the conservatory, covered for 12 hours outside locked to immovable object with thatcham/sold secure gold lock. Public liability £1million
It is indeed a beautiful bike!
as for repairability, the battery seems to be sealed and would void your warranty. I’m not sure about the controller, yet I’m sure you could buy a housing if you were to replace it. Enjoy your new bike!
Have you tried installing the windows software in Wine on your Linux pc.? I had varied success when I tinkered with ubuntu and PC Linux many years ago...