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  1. Az.

    Hello Impel-3

    I know what you mean very well and understand urgency. Fiido C11 looks nice. You might appreciate step through frame as it sounds like you are not getting any younger. I converted step through for my wife (in my avatar) and she really loves it. Google around where you live and try to find...
  2. Az.

    Hello Impel-3

    If good customer service you are after, then Woosh would be my first recommendation and Wisper close second. It is painful to see how western cycling industry talk a lot about green planet while in fact they have completely different objectives. Western bikes look great, work great until they...
  3. Az.

    Best supplier for Bafang kit.

    I arrived at the same conclusion when I was converting my first bike... then I had to make a quick U-turn. Battery on rear rack was very badly affecting balance of the whole bike. I see you have hybrid bike. It should be OKish if you ride slow on smooth surface and don't corner much. I ordered...
  4. Az.

    Celcapz - no spot weld battery kits

    It is to simple. As advanced e-bike users we want 6m long charger to charge 40 cells individually. We are happy to remove them from battery case before charging and then patiently put them back again. ;)
  5. Az.

    Puch eMaxi Build

    Crazy amount of work put in. Respect. ...but I like Greaser more.
  6. Az.

    Hello Impel-3

    Buy from Woosh.
  7. Az.

    Hello, new to forum.

    I know... and you know... you are not in court... yet, so no need to pretend. It is a fake sticker, isn't it? Ignorance it is... power of a motor is determined by controller. Combine legal 250W motor with 800W controller and you will have legal and more powerful motor. ...or ask manufacturer...
  8. Az.

    Celcapz - no spot weld battery kits

    How long/big would that be?
  9. Az.

    Hello, new to forum.

    Fake stickers are like fake driving license. Might get you out of trouble if you are lucky... or not. It doesn't matter if bike is used on road or off road. I don't scare people. I just try to provide good advice. Why would somebody buy illegal motor like BBS02 while legal and more powerful...
  10. Az.

    For Sale Bargains

    Panniers at Lidl. £9.99
  11. Az.

    Best supplier for Bafang kit.

    Check PSW Power. Why rear rack battery? Quite an unusual combination with mid drive.
  12. Az.

    Hello, new to forum.

    Because they are illegal? On the contrary. The main purpose of an e-bike is to provide assistance. You can get a good workout as well of course if you wish and it doesn't matter if you have torque or cadence sensor.
  13. Az.

    What battery? (to replace swytch)

    They come and go... there is plenty to choose from. Even better: 15Ah £150
  14. Az.

    What battery? (to replace swytch)

    I posted above link to battery. £160 including delivery.
  15. Az.

    What battery? (to replace swytch)

    Expensive? Can you post something cheaper with good cells? I received two batteries from PSW and didn't pay any import charges, but I guess there is always a risk.
  16. Az.

    Bafang brake sensor bypass removing 5 magnets should give on/off impression of 50%/50%... 0.2 seconds is not to bad. TSDZ8 unfortunately doesn't stop immediately.
  17. Az.

    What battery? (to replace swytch)

    It is. That is why I gave you the link to what in my opinion is a good deal. Battery you bought is a scam for sure.
  18. Az.

    Bafang brake sensor bypass

    How would you determine if it is an instant stop or not?
  19. Az.

    New Bosch bike throttle addition possible?

    It is not a black and white picture Saracen. Certain types of throttles are legal. Full throttle can be made legal too if you are ready to make an effort to legalize it (or pay somebody to do it). Full throttle is very useful and is increasing safety.
  20. Az.

    Hello, new to forum.

    Check Facebook and Ebay within 20 miles radius.