I have this bike for sale. It’s for parts or repair as there is a problem in the motor with the speed sensor which could be an easy fix. Rear gears may need looking at as well. Have new forks and new front derailleur. I am in leeds so local pick up would be great. £250
So further news. I have brought a rear wheel hub for the bike as the motor I have now seems to have threadlock. Did have a lad who offered to look at it but he gave a sketchy address. Hopefully get this sorted once and for all.
Error 10 means the controller can't communicate with the LCD, so you must gave damaged one of the wires inside the cable, or you wiped out the controller or LCD when some wires shorted. Check that no pins in the connector got bent.
Is it worth my while selling my ebike as parts as I don’t really have the time to fix it. Thinking I could sell the battery as that’s worth the most I think.