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  1. G

    story of Today's Ride. Puncture in Punctureproof tyres. Heart Rate. Huawei smart watch cycling app.

    That's a terrible tale in many ways and a heart warming one in others. I'm wondering if you've had that bloody awful covid thing. It's about and causing a lot of trouble. I mention that because it has a nasty habit of mucking people up, besides just making them feel ill like ordinary flu. I've...
  2. G

    Battery charging puzzle

    Yes - the bms drains high cells and the charger seems to trickle so they all get back to the same voltage.
  3. G

    Hello, and my first conversion, any advice please.

    Yes - you probably can, as long as you have a small, cheap chain tool in your kit, and a quick link. I never ride my bike further than I am prepared to push it home, unless I have tyre mending kit and a pump and other essential tools like those above.
  4. G

    Battery charging puzzle

    Mine balances the cells when the green light is on. I have checked this empirically by measuring the voltage of individual cells while it is plugged in to a charger with a green light on it. This can take a good number of hours. Now and then - maybe once a month, I leave mine plugged in with a...
  5. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    More from the Spectator Magazine: Nick Cohen Why conservatives should get behind Starmer 5 July 2024, 9:29am Link to source:
  6. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Patrick O'Flyn in the Spectator Magazine Link:
  7. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Well said Nielh. You took the hand that was dealt you, and you held onto it come what may and made the best of it. I wish you all the best with your surgery and hope for a full restoration of your well-being. I know this though - whatever comes - you will do the best with it and you won't be...
  8. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    I think there is something else which also impacts the reluctance to build massive numbers of affordable houses. Any government which builds at the rate required to house the population at costs people can afford would need to create an over abundance of housing. This would for certain reduce...
  9. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Can't argue with that Peter.
  10. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Then they need to look to themselves rather than gnawing, hyena-like at the corpses of older people who spent their lives earning and paying taxes and usually, lived frugally and cautiously to provide for themselves in old age. The BIG problem since Blair stuffed the universities with young...
  11. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    How did we get the results we are seeing? Just looking through the proportion of votes cast, it seems pretty clear that REFORM sucked up a lot of disgusted Tory voters who were tired of the inept failure to do what the government promised. Here are the percentages: Labour 33.7% Conservative...
  12. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    A decent, hardworking and intelligent man. He did his best with the shambles he was left by the previous two incumbents of his office. He hands over to another decent man, whom I wish every success in what he says he is going to do. I heard Starmer's speech just now, and if he can do what he...
  13. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    " So there is some good reasons to want the oldies to pass on their assets sooner rather than later." Really? You support that kind of hyena economics? I have MANY times explained EXACTLY why we have such an overheated housing market and rental market. It IS NOT because old people live a few...
  14. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Just read this disturbing comment below an article in the independent about the Conservative losses. Speaking about 'Conservatives', the writer said: I don't think it would be tolerated to speak about any racial, religious or other group like that, but this is a common theme among the hard...
  15. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    “To some extent people have fallen out of love with us and we must ask why,” Ian Blackford, the SNP’s former Westminster leader, told the BBC. Look in the mirror you bloated toad. (That's the more polite version of my answer)
  16. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    I know someone a bit older than me whose wife is in a care home with dementia. It is costing him £1650 a week, £6,600 a month, or £79,200 a year. He says he will be totally bust in the next few months when she comes to the two year mark and all that will be left of his life savings will be the...
  17. G

    How much battery sag is too much for a 3 year old battery?

    I'm away from home for a couple of days. I will try that arrangement in the throttle tab and the PAS settings on level 0 when I get back and let you know what happens. Cheers.
  18. G

    How much battery sag is too much for a 3 year old battery?

    Weirdly compelling back ground track there. :) Can you post those settings for the throttle and any otyers that are needed? My throttle would not pull me at all. It is strictly a walk beside function. The other day, i had to attempt to get off on a steep start three times on PAS before...
  19. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    It might be tolerable, if it really was a smaĺl percentage who were having a hand up, but it isn't. The numbers are vast, and so is the money. Even the costs of supporting irregular, uninvited arrivals is huge. £3.6 billion in 2020 and rising at a rate that suggests £11 billion in two years...
  20. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    The whole idea, much favoured by some, of what they call, 'redistribution of income', as if it was a good thing, is plain and simple robbery with menaces. Certain people, likely to be elected today, are very much in favour. They are after more of your money, if you have any, your little cottage...