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  1. G

    Battery Fires

    That is OBVIOUSLY wrong unless you assume that bikes are discarded after one year and that only new bikes are around. How could that even be suggested? The bicycle Association claim there are 550,000 ebikes in use.
  2. G

    Battery Fires

    You don't need to make up the figures. The number of ebikes is estimated by the Bicycle Association to be to be 550,000 and the fires caused by ebikes in 2023 were 181. The absolute risk is thus actually five times less than your equation, 1:3038. Of course if you drilled down into which...
  3. G

    Battery Fires

    Bang on. BIG risks that are unfashionable, get no attention, because they don't go with the vibe being propagated by government and the chaterarti. Other risks which are tiny, get bigged up all the time. Anybody know how many people were stabbed at that big carnival in London the other day, and...
  4. G

    Argos £245 folding Bike Improvements

    I reckon that 8 amps at 40 volts is about 330 watts input and at 38 volts about 300 watts input. At the wheel this would be lower. You ought to get about 85 to 90 percent of that at the wheel so about 250 watts to about 285 watts, depending on battery state It is enough for a shopping and...
  5. G

    Battery Fires

    There were three deaths in 2023 caused in every case by people who left batteries charging overnight in their homes. There are an average of 350 fire deaths per year in the UK. It is certainly the case that people need good advice on what is safe to do around batteries. There were 121 deaths...
  6. G

    Review of Argos £285 Folding Bike

    That is exactly what mine feels like in use. I am sure this is correct. My only grouse with the thing, and it is no big deal, is that it comes on rather hard from a stand still. I have twice nearly been caught out during low speed manoeuvring in narrow places when I moved the pedals just a...
  7. G

    Battery Fires

    I have no time for protecting people who are not either simple minded or children. People should protect themselves. It is people like you that caused the death of Jordan Lyon in Wigan when two PCSOs failed to enter a pond to save him and his sister who were in the pond struggling. They stood...
  8. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Is it not the local authority's duty to use their powers sensibly? If they are not responsible for what they do, why have local authorities at all? The obvious logic of your position is that government are the grown ups and the local council are the nursery children, at all costs to be...
  9. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    The fact that more than 300 councils did not make gross errors while less than half a dozen did, makes it perfectly clear that most councils by a VERY large margin were perfectly at home with the powers they were given. Fleccs position is entirely spurious.
  10. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    You seem to think that central government can make every decision and should carry the can for the idiotic decisions of locally elected councillors and the officials they appoint. Who are you - kim jong Un? Stalin? Pol Pot?
  11. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Out of 317 local authorities, six have declared bankruptcy. This is not an endemic issue. It is ALL about mismanagement of council finances. One of them owed 2 billion pounds. Most seem to be in the south.
  12. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    No. AGAIN a completely wrongheaded conclusion. Nobody forced any council to make a total bollix of a building company. THEY DID THAT THEMSELVES. The councils in Newcastle and Northumberland, the former a Labour council, the latter a Conservative one are not in that position, and neither made...
  13. G

    Revos conversion kit on BTWIN Tilt 120 folding bike

    Is there any sort of freewheel clutch in the wheel that runs constantly on the tyre? If not, you are going to have a very hard pedal home if it ever runs out of battery power, I would think.
  14. G

    Battery Fires

    That is wicked deceit and malpractice for you, rather than capitalism. It was capitalism that made the modern world and its discoveries brought millions and billions of us out of the abject poverty and disease of the pre-industrial world. I do not deny that bad people make bad decisions and...
  15. G

    Battery Fires

    Funny how Arconic, the American manufacturer of the Grenfel Tower cladding seems to be immune to stern enquiry. We know that they KNEW it was a fire risk, because the emails between people in the company make it very clear that they knew it could catch fire and destroy a building, but...
  16. G

    Review of Argos £285 Folding Bike

    I am sure the KT would be a better solution, but is it true that the speed control as supplied only gives maximum power or nothing? I'll tell you why I ask that - when I am riding above the cut off speed, say in level 2, probably (by estimation) doing about twelve miles an hour, if I slow...
  17. G

    Battery Fires

    Not speech in this case, but freedom of action is being targeted, by the likely demand that people be prevented from making their own conversions. Freedom, or the lack of it, is not just about speech and opinions being prohibited. It is also about whether the state interferes with what you...
  18. G

    Battery Fires

    Add to this the fact that a so called 'Hate Crime' has no other definition than that the person complaining 'thinks' whatever the event was, was motivated by 'hate'. Now - I am not aware of any other crime that does not have some sort reference to objective happenings or if an offence is for...
  19. G

    Battery Fires

    Google says we have about 550,000 ebikes in the UK, not 100,000, so your figure is only wrong by over 500%..... So - running with that figure, we see that the rate of ebike fires was more or less one in three thousand. Factor in the ridiculous, abuse the fire brigades cite as the most common...
  20. G

    Review of Argos £285 Folding Bike

    This is going to be an interesting project. I think I have all the required tools in my garage in Newcastle for the removal of the screw on freewheel. I have a chain whip and a fancy nut remover thing which I used once about thirty years ago and never looked at since. I can't even remember why I...