Auf der Suche nach Schlauchmagen AB €2.690 in der Türkei? Holen Sie sich eine erstklassige, erschwingliche Schlauchmagen AB €2.690 Behandlung in unseren hochmodernen Kliniken in Antalya.
Retired 66 year old male. Commuted by bike most of my life. Then progressed to an e bike A2B Obree with which I am happy when the battery is charged. The wife does not cycle.
Hi guys i am looking for a bike that i can use to commute to work which is a two mile distance. I would like a light weight electric bike . Any recommendations or suggestions will be highly appreciated.
Hello. Are you still happy with your Volt bike? The metro is calling me, but it seems to have everything, so no upgrade needed, even though its a bit over my budget?
I've taken on board the answer you gave me about the two bike's. The Fiido and the Rad, and I'm coming to the conclusion the Rad will be just too heavy for me at my age. Even though I don't think the bike will not be folded, I'll still have to move it about in and out of the garage, and maybe I will take it in the car
Hello. I'm a new member, my first post being last week. In my profile section it says that i have received a message from yourself (Flecc), but I can't find it. Am I doing something wrong or just misunderstanding? Many thanks, Ian.
Hello, I have a 2020 Lapierre e-sensium with x35 system but assist not working. Neither iWOC nor (new) Mahle phone app show any error messages but motor doesn't kick in at all. Cleaned the PAS sensor and magnets, held iWOC button for 30 sec to reset (apparently) - problem persists. Called several e-bike shops for a diagnosis from dealer only app but no appointments available. Suggestions please.
Hi there. Sorry to be a Pain in the Wossnames! I registered on here, a year or two back. Stuff happened and I've not been on forum for ages.
I registered an account yesterday, Sedentix is the user name, and posted. Is there anyway that you can delete Pedaldog, put my past posts under Sedentix, I'll stay with that user name from now on.
Thanks in advance,
Steve, Sedentix not Pedaldog.
Good evening, can you let me know where abouts you are based and if it is possible to try the bike (pedal power). And any idea which type of battery is fitted so i can find a replacement. And finally - can you please indicate what price you would consider to let this bike go at so there is no time wasting at either end. Thank you.