I sent you a message not sure where it posted. Looks like this maybe the right place to ask. I just recently bought a 2015 specialized turbo x and the 15mph turbo limit is driving me nuts as well. Anyways here is my email if you can let me know who I can contact to have it changed.
Hello TurboTime,
Did you ever get any joy unlocking your Turbo? I'd be interested in doing similar if you know someone who can do it. Best regards, Andrew
Just curious about my Wisper 905 Torque purchased Oct 2016. Unlike the photos on road test I read before I purchased my bike on what was presumably an older model 905Torque, mine has no visible wires or housing coming out of the bottom bracket for the Torque sensor. How does my bike sense the pressure on the pedals as described in the handbook? Everything is working fine, I just am curious by nature!
Hi braylew. Have you had any issues with the Levo expert. What's your impression/ experience of the bike both good and bad. I am 95 % ready to commit to buying one in the next few months.
Graham, if you have been offered a FS fat bike in a good deal, I would go for that. Suspension is not really necessary for a fat bike but "nice to have" and there are few additional costs if any, a wee bit of extra maintenance but nothing significant.