It is sometimes difficult to interpret the tone from the written word in a post.
In face to face discussion, speech and body language make a persons mood and temperament much clearer.
What I am trying to say is that people have different styles of writing when posting. Humans have different moods and emotions from time to time, anger, disappointment, sadness, joy, frustration, cynicism, ecstasy, regret, hilarity etc. etc., all of these can be easily misinterpreted and people can be very hasty to judge a person by what they write, when in reality this can be a quite wrong.
The use of the smiles icons in a post can go a long way to help convey the tone in which it is written.
Discuss................or not, it's up to you.
Here ends todays lesson
In face to face discussion, speech and body language make a persons mood and temperament much clearer.
What I am trying to say is that people have different styles of writing when posting. Humans have different moods and emotions from time to time, anger, disappointment, sadness, joy, frustration, cynicism, ecstasy, regret, hilarity etc. etc., all of these can be easily misinterpreted and people can be very hasty to judge a person by what they write, when in reality this can be a quite wrong.
The use of the smiles icons in a post can go a long way to help convey the tone in which it is written.
Discuss................or not, it's up to you.
Here ends todays lesson
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